Weiye Electric Appliance pays more attemtion to quality(technique+auality+deploitation),May be we are strange to you,but we believe youll be astonished if you cooperate with us.
伟业电器产品强调“品质”(技术+质量+开拓),对您来说我们也许还是一张陌生的面孔,但我们相信,只要您来与我们合作,您将会得到一份意外的惊喜。 |
Weizenbaum, Joseph. Contextual Understanding by Computers, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 8 (1967).
透过计算机对情境的理解〉,《计算机机制沟通学会》8(1967). |
Weizenbaum, Joseph. ELIZA – A Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man and Machine.Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 9 (1966).
伊莉莎-一个用来研究人机沟通的自然语言研究〉,《计算机机制沟通学会》9(1966). |
Weizhou 11-1 oilfield, a shallow water marginal oilfield, is located in Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea.
摘要涠洲11-1油田位于我国南海北部湾浅水区,是一个边际油田。 |
Wel Bioer locates internationalization metropolis Shanghai City that industry and business industry prosper.
公司位于工商业发达的国际化大都市上海市。 |
Welch's career represents an almost unprecedented streak of profits for GE and an enormous increase in stock value.
韦尔奇的职业生涯为通用电器带来了可以说是前无古人的高额经济利益和股票市值的巨大增长。 |
Welch, Jack. Four E's (a Jolly Good Fellow).The Wall Street Journal, Friday, January 23, 2004.
四个E(一个有趣的好同伴〉,华尔街日报,一月23日星期五,2004。 |
Welch, who lives in Boston full time, will pursue The Boston Globe remained an open question.
一位亲近他的人士说,他一直在找「他可以长期潜心投入的志业」。 |
Welcome ! Housen Sanitary Ware Was Specialized Manufacturer Bathroom Cabinets, Glass Counter Basin, Shower room, Bath Screen , Sauna Room, Massage Bathtub, Shower Panel, and so on .
欢迎访问中国广东.佛山市昊森卫浴,我们的产品包括浴室柜、玻璃台盆、淋浴房、淋浴屏风(趟门)、蒸汽房、按摩缸、淋浴屏等多个系列。 |
Welcome Chinese and foreign traveling trader, producer come kind pursues to have all kinds of products made to order wholeheartedly.
竭诚欢迎中外客商、厂家来样来图订做各类塑料产品。 |
Welcome Sales &HR leaders come together to enjoy the discount!
欢迎销售部门与人力资源部门的同仁一同来参会! |