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Then, something made me weak,

Then, six miles below, you come to the sea bottom. 接着,在水下六英里,你来到了海底。
Then, slightly light-headed and sometimes even a little nauseated from overdoing it, we would return to our offices to wrap up business before the weekend. 接着是轻度的头晕有时候会有一点点恶心,因为有时候会有点过火,然后大家回到办公室收拾东西准备过周末。
Then, slowly, slipping and sliding down the glass, it would melt, its beauty fleeting. 于是,它在窗上慢慢地滑落,然后融化,它的美丽也倏地消失。
Then, some days after the start of fission, xenon 132 and 131 came on the scene. 等到核分裂开始后数日,氙132和氙131登上舞台。
Then, some world ranking is it visit and hold in Hong Kong , Bangkok , Du in succession to have a match. 接着,一些世界排名赛又相继在香港、曼谷、杜拜举办。
Then, something made me weak, 曾经的爱使我脆弱不堪,
Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming and shouting and crying, doing small dances of joy. 突然,所有年轻人都从座位上站了起来,尖叫着,呼喊着,大声嚷嚷着,跳起了欢乐的舞蹈。
Then, summarize this information in a few remarks. 然后把有关情况归纳成几句话。
Then, taking a small knapsack and a camera, he attempts to time travel again and never chooses, or is able, to return. 之后,背著一的小型背包和一台照相机,他试图再做一次时光旅行,他没有做选择,如果可以的话,就能回到上次的时光。
Then, teams will be formed accordingly. 然后据此分成小组。
Then, thankfully, she waved me past. 然后,谢天谢地,她挥手让我过去。

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