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If they want me to, I'd put a bullet in his brain,said Taylor, 61, who lives in Pensacola.

If there's something we can do to help them get their lives back on track, that would be wonderful,Carter-Scott said. 卡特-斯科特女士说道:“如果我们可以尽自己所能帮助他们重回生活正轨,那是最好不过了。”
If they (oil companies) fail to fulfill the quota, they will have to pay penalties,he notes. The obligation will open up forecourts (gas stations) to the biofuel industry. “如果它们(石油公司)未能达到这一限额,就得支付罚款,”他说,“这一法律将为生物燃油工业打开前场(加油站)。”
If they could get it small enough, it could be mounted on a helmet, then they could pan around on their heads and they could feel the sonar on their tongues with good registration to what they are seeing visually,Raj said. 如果我们能将声纳仪做得很小,那就可以放在头盔上,随头慢慢转动,在眼睛看到物体时,舌头也接受到物体得声纳。
If they do not attack the Haitian people, we won't attack them,he said. If they come to help us to remove Mr Aristide, they will be welcome. “如果他们不攻击海地人民,我们将不会进攻他们,如果他们是来帮助我们赶走阿里斯蒂德先生,我们欢迎他们。”
If they get used to a lifelike but controlled environment, people eventually can learn to handle the real thing,Redfern said. 雷德费恩说:“如果人们习惯了这种可控的逼真环境,最终在现实中也会掌控自如。”
If they want me to, I'd put a bullet in his brain,said Taylor, 61, who lives in Pensacola. “如果他们让我来执行,我已经让他吃枪子了。”居住于彭沙科拉,现年61岁的泰勒说。
If this fixed order departs From before Me,declares the Lord, Then the offspring of Israel also will cease From being a nation before Me forever. 耶31:36这些定例、若能在我面前废掉、以色列的后裔也就在我面前断绝、永远不再成国.这是耶和华说的。
If this is indeed the case , then the current situation should make us ponder our future existence . 如果事实确实如此,那么,现状应该促使我们对我们未来的生存进行思索了。
If this place were to accidentally catch fire right now,mused Harriet, then Jack would sadly be burnt to death. “如果这地方现在发生意外火灾,”哈莉特沉思着,“那么杰克会被很惨地烧死。”
If this policy is executed effectively, it will play a part in redressing the income discrepancy between the high-income group and ordinary wage-earners,said Peng Longyun, a senior economist with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Beijing. 亚洲开发银行驻中国代表处高级经济学家彭龙运说:“如果新办法能得以有效实施,高收入群体和工薪阶层之间的收入差距将会缩小。”
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