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Generally speaking, it can generalize such five aspects as: bringing forth the new and profound thought after weeding through the old; view of a broad life and dense tragic atmosphere; lively and vivid plots and scenes full of change; dramatic characters

Generally speaking, division algorithm and factor resolution can be used to find the greatest common factor of the two multinomial. 摘要求两个多项式的最大公因式,可以用辗转相除法及分解因式法。
Generally speaking, enquiries are made by buyers. 询盘通常由买方发出。
Generally speaking, exchange control is the official control in the foreign exchange dealings of a country. 一般说来,外汇管制指的是官方对一国外汇交易的管制。
Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。
Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers. 询盘一般由买方发出。
Generally speaking, it can generalize such five aspects as: bringing forth the new and profound thought after weeding through the old; view of a broad life and dense tragic atmosphere; lively and vivid plots and scenes full of change; dramatic characters 概括起来,可归纳为推陈出新,思想深广;生活画面广阔,悲剧气氛浓烈;情节生动丰富,场景富于变化;人物形象鲜明,性格复杂典型;语言丰富多彩,富于个性特征等五个方面。
Generally speaking, it's quite a fair settlement. 大致上说, 这样解决很恰当.
Generally speaking, life is not easy. 一般来说,生活是不容易的。
Generally speaking, man is stronger than woman. (一般而言,男人比女人强壮。)
Generally speaking, men run faster than women. 一般说来,男人跑得比女人快。
Generally speaking, mineral exploitation is a feast-or-famine industry. 一般来说,开矿这种事业不是大大成功便是彻底失败。

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