The pineal gland secretes melanin during times of relaxation and visualization.
松果体在放松时分泌黑色素是明白无误的。 |
The ping command allows you to test connectivity-locally, within your network, and on the Internet.
乒声指令让你测试连接-地方性地,在你的网络里面,和在因特网上。 |
The ping-pong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent.
乓乒球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手。 |
The pink and blue badges reading: There is a baby in my bellyare being handed out at stations around the region. No proof of pregnancy is required.
这种徽章由粉蓝两色组成,上面写着:“我肚里有孩子。”目前,东京地区各个车站都在分发这种徽章。领取徽章的妇女并不需要怀孕证明。 |
The pink champagne on ice.
粉红色的香槟浸着冰块。 |
The pink cytoplasm with distinct cell borders and intercellular bridges characteristic for a squamous cell carcinoma are seen here at high magnification.
高倍镜下,细胞边界清楚、细胞间桥、粉红色胞质均是鳞状细胞癌的特征。 |
The pinkish-grey rocks look like sculpture s that have been forgotten on the beach.
这些略带粉红的灰色岩石看似被人遗忘在海滩上的雕像。 |
The pinyin exercises on flashCube (initials, rhymes, tones) provide useful contrasts and combinations for learning both the sound of Chinese and the pinyin symbols.
拼音练习包含在“闪光灯程序”中(声母、韵母、声调),这个练习可以为学习汉语语音和拼音符号提供有益的对比和整合。 |
The pioject construction was started on August 28th 2003, at present five floors above ground have been finished.
项目已于2003年8月28日开工,目前已施工到地上五层。 |
The pioneer mode light of difficulties and dangers .
他们对困难与危险无所畏惧。 |
The pioneering landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, who helped design Central Park in New York City, described his vision of the role of parks in urban development in a speech given in Boston, Massachusetts, on February 15, 1870.
主持建造了纽约中央公园的卓越的景观设计师奥姆斯特德,1870年2月15日在波士顿进行的一次演讲中,阐述了他对公园在城市发展中所扮演的角色的看法。 |