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The Earth\'s albedo varies mainly through varying cloudiness, snow, ice, leaf area and land cover changes.

The Earth's only Low-Gravity Zone! Massive rocks float 40 feet above ground, say scientists -- datelined Chengdu, China. (p. 15. 地球唯一低重力区,科学家说大石头离地四十英呎漂浮著。
The Earth's path round the sun is elliptical . 地球绕太阳的轨道是椭圆形的。
The Earth's path round the sun is elliptical. 地球绕太阳的轨道是椭圆形的。
The Earth's temperatures and seasons have become inalterably fixed in their present state and that the Earth cannot be hurled off into space or drawn into the sun. 地球的温度和季节不会变化,固定在它们应有的状态上,地球不能被掷出太空或吸到太阳里。
The Earth-borne Directorate has been destroyed. 来自地球的联邦舰队已经被摧毁了。
The Earth\'s albedo varies mainly through varying cloudiness, snow, ice, leaf area and land cover changes. 地球的反射率主要因云的变化、冰、雪和土地覆被状况的改变而变化。
The East China Sea lies to the east of Zhejiang Province. 中国的东海位于浙江省的东部。
The East End of London, in strong contrast to the prosperous West End, has frequently been characterized by slums, poverty, and crime. 与西区的繁华形成鲜明对比是伦敦东区,常以贫民窟、贫穷和犯罪的形象出现。
The East Stand, for all its magnificence also has a controversial past. 富丽堂皇的东看台也有着备受争议的历史。
The East and parts of the Midwest suffered heavy rains and extreme heat. 东部和中西部部分地区遭受强降雨和炎热天气。
The East-West oil pipeline is nearly half welded and laid. 东西贯通的输油管道已经差不多焊接和铺设好了一半。

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