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11 Never vent hydrogen from a high pressure source such as a cylinder in order to remove contaminants. Always use an external source of nitrogen or air for this purpose.

11 Keep confidentiality of all process related data. 对工艺相关资料保密.
11 Low water bares gray strips of sandbar on which the natives build tiny palm-thatch shelters for overnight fishing trips. 水浅的地方露出灰茫茫的狭长沙洲,土著人在沙洲上为过夜的渔夫搭建了小小的棕榈茅舍。
11 May, China Telecom distributed China Telecom Corporate Data Model (CTG-EDMV1.0) and China Telecom Data Warehouse Technology and its Implementation. 5月11日中国电信正式下发”中国电信企业数据模型标准(CTG-EDMV1.0)”和”中国电信数据仓库技术及实施等相关规范”。
11 My companions led me by the hand into Damascus, because the brilliance of the light had blinded me. 我因那光的荣耀,不能看见,同行的人,就拉着我手进了大马士革。
11 My washing has really piled up. 我要洗的衣服堆满了。
11 Never vent hydrogen from a high pressure source such as a cylinder in order to remove contaminants. Always use an external source of nitrogen or air for this purpose. 决不允许为了吹除杂质从高压气源,例如气瓶中放出氢气。做类似事情时,只能用氮气或空气作为外在气源。
11 Old bolt holes not re-used should be filled in with glue/resin/putty of a similar colour to the rock. 11旧有锚栓留下来的洞口,应用和该处岩石色彩相似的黏胶、树脂、补土加以补满。
11 Our culture views time as a thing to hoard and protect. 我们的文化把时间看做可囤积、保护之物。
11 Please write the “Drilling Fluids Engineering Accident Report”. 请填写“钻井液事故报告”。
11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. 11西门彼得就去、〔或作上船〕把网拉到岸上、那网满了大鱼、共一百五十三条.鱼虽这样多、网却没有破。
11 Snow White! That was no old man, that was the evil Queen. 我的白雪公主!他不是什么老人,那是邪恶的皇后。

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