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The railway is 1000 miles long .

The railway communication is broken. 铁路交通断绝了。
The railway construction as the aorta took the economy development fast, its importance is day by day obvious, it is obtaining key investment and the support by the national. 中国铁路作为中国经济发展的主动脉,其重要性日益明显,正得到国家重点投资和扶持。
The railway departments and other relevant departments shall act in accordance with such plans and take effective measures to mitigate environmental noise pollution. 铁路部门和其他有关部门应当按照规划的要求,采取有效措施,减轻环境噪声污染。
The railway from Nanning to Kunming, completed in 1997, is reputed as the “biggest project for poverty alleviation”. 建成于1997年底的南昆铁路被誉为“中国最大的扶贫工程”。
The railway goes across the bridge. 那条铁路跨桥而过。
The railway is 1000 miles long . 这条铁路长一千英里。
The railway joined the two cities. 铁路把两个城市连接起来了。
The railway joins the two cities. 铁路把这两个城市连接起来了。
The railway line runs parallel with / to the highway. 铁路线和那条公路平行。
The railway lines run parallel to the road. 铁路线和那条道路平行。
The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket. 列车员在我的票上压了一个孔。

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