Turning to Tom, the consultant asks, “What prevented you from lifting up those nails and placing them on the vertical nail?
训练员转头问汤姆:「是什麽原因让你没有把那堆钉子先放到垂直的钉子上?」 |
Turning to reason in opposition to alienation is the theme of Mark Twains Pudded Wilson.
反抗异化,追寻理性,是马克·吐温在《傻瓜威尔逊》中要表达的主题。 |
Turning to the arts or giving service are constructive ways to handle this energy.
把注意力转向艺术或提供服务是有意义的处理精力的方式。 |
Turning, milling, reaming, planing of grey cast iron up to 200 HB, light metals, plastics and synthetics. For higher strain of toughness. For interrupted cutting.
对硬度达200HB的灰铸铁、轻金属、塑料、合成材料等车削、铣削、铰孔、刨平等加工的牌号。适用于切断加工、高应力条件下具有良好的韧性。 |
Turnout - It's a turnout election. That's what everyone is saying. Is there any other kind?
投票率----这次大选是一次由投票率决定的大选。每个人都这么说,好像还有其他种类的大选? |
Turnout was a record 85%, with millions of Turks cutting short beach holidays to cast their ballots.
此次大选中数百万土耳其人结束短暂的海滩旅行,赶去投票,使投票率达到了创纪录的85%。 |
Turnout was high at 76 percent with voters seeming to express anger with the government, accusing it of provoking the Madrid attacks by supporting the U.S.-led war in Iraq, which most Spaniards opposed.
多达76%的选举者对政府不顾大多数西班牙人反对而支持以美国为首的在伊战争而招致这次马德里事件表示了强烈的谴责。 |
Turnover this year is likely to see high single-digit growth.
今年营业额估计有接近十的单位数增长。 |
Turns Red Gems into Skulls.Your turn does not end if Red Mana is 15+.
所有红宝石变为头骨,当红宝石≥15时此回合不结束。 |
Turns can make or break any race, so having REALLY fast turns is extremely important to competitive swimmers.
转身技术可以影响到一次比赛的胜负,所以快速转身技术对于一个参加比赛的游泳选手而言是至关重要的。 |
Turns into the minute after day to demonstrate in a screen (because of handset memory question, we only can make an every 4 minutes standard).
把一天的时间化成分钟后显示在一个屏幕里(因为手机的内存的问题,我们只能做成每4分钟一个格)。 |