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Why did Captain Hook take Jane away?

Why couldn't Joseph at least been able to copy down the characters on the plates so that future generations could hopefully verify the characters' authenticity? 为什麽斯密约瑟甚至不能至少抄下一些页片上的字母所以将来的人或许可以证实这些字母的真实性?
Why couldn't he even accuse her? 他为什么连责骂她都不能呢?
Why did Africa fail to emulate this success? 为什么非洲无法复制亚洲的成功经验呢?
Why did Berk have a good laugh at Allan's expense? 为什么伯克对艾伦大加嘲笑?
Why did Booth do it? 为什麽布斯要这麽做呢?
Why did Captain Hook take Jane away? 为什么虎克船长把简带走了?
Why did Charles leave so suddenly? All his affairs are up in the air. 查理为何那样匆匆离去?他的事情都还没有搞定呢。
Why did Della feel better after telling the social worker about her hair in Unit 4 of Quartet 4? Why did the social worker then begin to feel upset? 为什么在第四章第四节中黛拉向社工说了她的头发以后就觉得好多了?而且为什么社工听了以后觉得不安?
Why did Denahi want to kill Kenai? 为什么德奈荷想杀死可奈?
Why did Europeans take to the Ocean Sea? 欧洲人为什么会远渡重洋去冒险?
Why did Fisher have to be back out on offense. There is no good reason. AK was doing great. Unbelievable. Asbsolutely unreal!! 为什么费舍尔不得不退出进攻。没有什么好的理由。AK做得很棒!难以置信,简直就是太不真实了!

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