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If you plan to go by car you can use the excellent MAP24 Route planner for Belgium.

If you plan an outdoor wedding, Mother Nature handles it for you. 要是你想在户外举行婚礼,那就好好地利用自然美景吧。
If you plan on being a blacksmith, you should probably already be a miner. 如果你打算成为一名铁匠,也许应该考虑兼职做一名采矿工人。
If you plan on seeing more than one person keep things platonic until you decide who you really want to pursue. 如果你打算比一个人看得更多就保持柏拉图的方式直到你遇到真心想追求的那个人。
If you plan to be outdoors, avoid scented body lotion or perfume, as they will attract more unwanted attention. 如果你安排是到户外去,就要避免有气味的身体洗液或香水,因为它们将会吸引不必要的注意。
If you plan to develop the Chinese market, we would like to become a window, general agent for your products exporting to China. 当然,如果您有意开拓中国市场的话,我们可以成为您的产品出口输入中国的一个窗口,作为您的产品在中国的总经销商。
If you plan to go by car you can use the excellent MAP24 Route planner for Belgium. 如果你打算驱车你可以用出色map24三号企划比利时.
If you plan to use inline sounds in your web applications, be aware that many people find inline sound annoying. 如果你计划在你的网络应用程序中使用线内声音,请注意,很多人是非常讨厌线内声音的。
If you plan to use lots of images or graphic elements (not to mention sound files or movies), you might be needing much more disk space. 如果你想用到大量的图片或图形元素(并不是指音频或视频文件),你也许需要更多的磁盘空间。
If you play a wrong note, give a nasty look to one of your partners. 如果你吹错了音,就恶一下自己让你的同伴看。
If you play as a Catholic faction, you will receive missions from the pope, much in the same way that you received missions from the senate in Rome: Total War. 如果你以一个天主教国家来玩游戏,你会收到来自教皇的任务,与在罗马全面战争中收到来自元老院的人物很相似。
If you play at Old Trafford and change a right-back (Geremi) for a left-winger (Arjen Robben), it is a crazy change, not a conservative change. 在老特拉福德用一个左边路换下一个右后卫,这样的换人简直是疯了,毫不保守。

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