The representative of Warwick vividly represented the British university education system, the long history of Warwick and many honorable subjects in Warwick, such as MBA, Business, Advanced Engineering, Computer Science &Economics, Biological Sciences, E |
中文意思: 面对到会的众多家长和同学,华威大学校方代表给大家详细地介绍了英国高等教育概况,华威悠久的办学历史以及长久以来受到众多好评的优势学科,如MBA、商科、工程、经济学与计算机科学、生物科学、教育、电影研究、法律、政治学与国际研究。 |
The representative enterprises in this field are LG Mazak Digital Control Machine, Nordex Wind Power Equipment Manufacturing, Kocel Steel Foundry, Shinri &Great Wall Machine Manufacturing, Yinchuan Grane Manufacturing, FAG Railway Bearing, etc.
代表企业有:小巨人数控机床、恩德风力发电设备制造、共享铸钢、新瑞长城机床、银川起重机、德国富安捷铁路轴承等。 |
The representative enterprises in this field are Orient Tantalum Industry, Shide Construction Material, Qinglong Pipeline, etc.
代表企业有:东方有色金属、实德新型建材、青龙管材等。 |
The representative from Papua New Guinea spoke for the Pacific Islands Forum.
巴布亚新几内亚代表在太平洋岛国论坛发表了演讲。 |
The representative of China further stated that FIEs located in SEZs or the Economic and Technical Development Zones of open coastal cities were entitled to a corporate income tax rate of 15 per cent (the normal income tax was 33 per cent).
中国代表进一步表示,经济特区或沿海开放城市的经济技术开发区中的外商投资企业享受15%的公司所得税税率(正常所得税为33%)。 |
The representative of China stated that China prohibited export of narcotic drugs, poisons, materials containing State secrets, precious and rare animals and plants.
中国代表表示,中国禁止出口麻醉品、毒品、含有国家秘密的资料及珍稀动植物。 |
The representative of Warwick vividly represented the British university education system, the long history of Warwick and many honorable subjects in Warwick, such as MBA, Business, Advanced Engineering, Computer Science &Economics, Biological Sciences, E
面对到会的众多家长和同学,华威大学校方代表给大家详细地介绍了英国高等教育概况,华威悠久的办学历史以及长久以来受到众多好评的优势学科,如MBA、商科、工程、经济学与计算机科学、生物科学、教育、电影研究、法律、政治学与国际研究。 |
The representative of a legal person or the natural person who instigates or encourages action of contravention shall be deemed a contravenor.
但法人之代表人或自然人对于违反之发生,已尽力为防止行为者,不在此限。法人之代表人或自然人教唆或纵容为违反之行为者,以行为人论。 |
The representative of the delegation pronounces a eulogy on the president.
代表团代表对总统先生致颂词。 |
The representative office established by a group to which a foreign insurance company belongs.
(二)外国保险公司所在的集团公司设立的代表机构。 |
The representative species of a genus, the representative genus of a family, etc. For example the genus of the family Solanaceae.
2代表型:一个属的代表性物种,或是一个科的代表属,等等。例如:茄属是茄科的代表属。 |
The representative was absent from the annual conference.
那个代表没有出席年度大会。 |