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Such trappy questions are meaningless and pushing us to nowhere.

Such tones are pink to pale pink, lavender to pale lavender, yellow to pale yellow, turquoise, silver and gold. 这些音调是粉色到浅粉色、淡紫色到浅淡紫色、黄色到浅黄色、蓝绿色,银色和金色。
Such tools read the application's class files and the libraries they depend on to determine which classes, methods, and fields are actually used. 这种工具会读取应用程序的类文件以及它们所依赖的库文件,从而决定哪个类、方法和字段是实际被使用到的。
Such tragedy happens not only on Nietzsche, so you can't say it's just fortuitous. 而不只是尼采,所以不能说只是偶然的。
Such traits are typically controlled by many different genes (polyenes). 这样的性状是由许多不同的基因(多基因)控制的。
Such transfers happen frequently throughout the solar system, although it is easier for ejected material to travel from bodies more distant from the sun to those closer in and easier for materials to end up on a more massive body. 这类事件在整个太阳系内屡见不鲜,尽管喷出的物质比较容易从距离太阳较远的天体,飞向太阳附近的星球,但最后总是比较容易掉落在质量较大的天体上。
Such trappy questions are meaningless and pushing us to nowhere. 如此刁钻的问题简直是强人所难。
Such treachery should be repaid in specie. 对这种奸诈应以同样的方式加以回报。
Such trees can be found in the plains. 这种树木可见于平原。
Such trend as the devolution of financial function also takes place in China during the transformation of banking system. 中国的金融转型也出现金融功能退化的趋势。
Such trials generally employ vaccines made of dendritic cell precursors that have been isolated from cancer patients and grown in the laboratory together with tumor antigens. 此类实验通常会利用到树突先驱细胞所制成的疫苗;这些先驱细胞取自癌症患者身上,然后在实验室里与肿瘤抗原一起培养。
Such unanimous respect is unusual in football. 如此一致的尊敬在足球界是很罕见的。

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