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Abstract: Technical progress of uranium extraction in recent years is introduced, including new processes such as uranium extraction by supercritical CO2 fluid, calixarene, capillary electrophoresis, oscillation; application of novel extractants and absor

Abstract: Taking the data of ancient epidemic situations in the south of the Five Ridges,as an example,the systematization materials of ancient epidemic situation guided by epidemiological methods are explored by defining the material of epidemic situatio 文摘:以岭南古代疫情资料为例,从疫情资料的界定、相关因素的筛选、疫情时间、地点、烈度的确定等方面,探讨以流行病学方法指导整理古代疫情资料的方法,试图为解决中医古文献整理现代化、数据化的一些问题开拓思路。
Abstract: Taking the hydrostatic tester located on No.3 production line of steel tube body of Steel Tube Branch Company,Baosteel Group Corporation,Shanghai as an example,operation principle of the DEMAG hydrtesting machine is introduced,and analysis of co 文摘:以上海宝钢集团公司钢管分公司钢管管体3号水压试验机为例,介绍了DEMAG水压机的工作原理,并就其综合故障进行了剖析,进而提出了解决的方案。
Abstract: Taking the library of the Seismological Bureau of Shaanxi Province as an example,the author of this paper presents the ideas of building the regional computer network and electronic reading-room in the library of the Seismological Bureau,and mak 文摘:以陕西省地震局图书馆为例,提出了建立图书馆计算机局域网及电子阅览室的设想,并对数据库建设及网络时代图书馆员的工作进行了初步探讨。
Abstract: Taking the underground powerhouse in a huge hydropower station as an example,the authors studied distribution pattern of the secondary stress field of surrounding rock mass with nonlinear finite element method of the large-spaned underground pow 文摘:以某大型水利工程拟建地下厂房为典型实例,应用二维非线性有限元分析方法,研究大跨度、高边墙地下厂房区二次应力场分布规律,并评价围岩的稳定性。
Abstract: Tangential effect wake is not negligible for the submarine of single screw.The method for determining tangential effect wake and computing power is geven in this paper. 文摘:单轴潜艇的实效周向伴流应被考虑。本文提出了潜艇实效周向伴流的确定和功率的算法。
Abstract: Technical progress of uranium extraction in recent years is introduced, including new processes such as uranium extraction by supercritical CO2 fluid, calixarene, capillary electrophoresis, oscillation; application of novel extractants and absor 文摘:介绍了近年来铀提取方面的技术进展,包括提铀新工艺:超临界CO2流体提取铀,杯芳烃提铀,毛细管电泳分离铀,振荡法萃取铀;各国新型萃取剂和吸附剂的应用及三废治理。
Abstract: Technology of computer and Internet has been widely applied in various trades, which, materially and technically, provides supports for colleges to set up electronic reading rooms and to expand functions in information service. 摘要:计算机、网络技术的应用,为高校图书馆建设电子阅览室,拓展信息服务功能提供了有力的物质和技术保障。
Abstract: Temperature field of hollow ingot solidification is simulated by FEM.To different mould,effect of heat transfer coefficient between inner sleeve and cooling medium and thickness of core refractory on final position of solidification,the highest 文摘:对空心钢锭凝固过程的温度场进行了有限元分析,对不同锭型结构的芯部换热系数、耐火材料厚度对最终凝固位置、内筒壁最高温度及缩孔疏松的影响进行了对比,并讨论了耐火材料典型部位的温度随凝固时间的变化。
Abstract: Temporal properties of the second-ordre process with a Chirped incident pulse are theoretically calculated.The chirp influences the irradiance and the pulse shape of the second harmonic wave with large phase mismatch.The phase distortion of all 文摘:讨论了在大相位失谐下,基波为频率啁啾脉冲的二次谐波产生过程,结果表明选取合适的啁啾参量可以使二次谐波的光强提高,但同时会使其波形和相位发生变化.三波相位的畸变主要取决于入射的基波啁啾脉冲,而与相位匹配的失谐量关系不大.
Abstract: Temporal relational database model is extended from relational database by adding time processing,and Temporal object-orient database model is extended from object-orient database by adding time processing. 文摘:时态关系数据库在关系数据库的基础上扩充了对时间数据的处理,而时态面向对象数据库则是在面向对象数据库的基础上扩充了对时间数据的处理。
Abstract: Tensile reducer is one of the necessary apparatuses during the pipe production process at present.This paper deduces a multi-variation formula by using the energy principle and adopting upper limit method.The formula can be used to calculate the 文摘:张减机是钢管生产中不可缺少的设备之一.本文从一般能量原理出发,采用上限法推导出一个多变量公式,利用该公式可求解电机功率、张力系数、轧辊转速、出口钢管壁厚、孔型椭圆度等参数,并且从理论上计算出电机负功率的存在.

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