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And there is something common in the connotations of Wang Guowei's being dizzy and confusedand Schopenhauer's obsequious beauty, that is, they all contain profound contents of Chinese traditional culture.

And there is nothing romantic about 100 people sitting (all facing the same direction) in a pressurized tin can, squeezed into tiny seats, elbowing each other while trying to open packets of peanuts. 而100个人(全部面朝一方)坐在一个经过加压处理的锡罐子里,挤在狭小的座位上,在开启袋装花生米时彼此以肘相碰,可并不是什么浪漫的事情。
And there is often as much sentiment as sense. 感性通常是伴随著理性的。
And there is one scene of true brilliance and shattering impact as a mother waiting for news of her son (Viola Davis) recalls that the last time she saw him she scolded him for missing dinner. 在电影中,有个很成功的非常漂亮的镜头,那就是,在最后一刻一个母亲等待新闻报道他儿子的那段记忆时,她看到他痛斥他没有来吃晚饭。
And there is salvation in no other, for neither is there another name under heaven given among men in which we must be saved. 12除祂以外,别无拯救,因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救。
And there is scant recognition of their achievement in reaching the last four of the World Cup, 40 years after Eusebio and co were denied a final appearance by Bobby Charlton. 但是,人们忽视了他们在尤希比奥的球队被查尔顿阻挡而无缘决赛的40年以后重新进入世界杯四强这一成就。
And there is something common in the connotations of Wang Guowei's being dizzy and confusedand Schopenhauer's obsequious beauty, that is, they all contain profound contents of Chinese traditional culture. 王国维的“眩惑”与叔本华的“媚美”在内涵上具有相通之处,同时又包容着中国传统文化的深厚内蕴。
And there is something even more exasperating than this. 还有比这更令人恼火的。
And there is something very wrong indeed when people begin to see politics as a game that is played by “them” rather than “us”. 人们正在将政治视作由“他者”而非“自身”玩弄的游戏,而这就大错特错了。
And there is space not only in a geographical sense, but in the sense of opportunity, of social mobility. 还有空间,不仅仅是地理意义上的空间,更是指机会,指社会身份的流动性。
And there is the enormous underdeveloped hinterland with excess rural population. 还有中国巨大的内陆地农村人口过多、不发达。
And there is the mountain, with snow capped tops and limpid springs, with duteous sheep and gentle breeze, with memories of a lifetime, haunting in my dreams, each single night. 于是又见远山,山顶白雪皑皑,山涧清澈可鉴,带着拂面的清风和温顺的羊群,带着一段平静而永恒的回忆,每一夜伴着漫天的星辉回到梦中来。”

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