A blank weekend at the beginning of December may be useful for Christmas shopping, if nothing else, but Jose Mourinho wishes the fixture list had remained unaltered.
12月开始的一个空闲周末对于圣诞购物可能很合适,如果没其他事情的话,不过穆里尼奥希望能够保持原有的赛程。 |
A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents.
一份全面性的保险单保障汽车各种的事故。 |
A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms.
喧嚣的市声,沸腾的生活,鳞次栉比的楼房,用暧昧的言词叩击着受惊的心弦。 |
A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he opened the shutters.
他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光。 |
A blast at a chemical plant upstream on November 13th released 100 tons of benzene and nitrobenzene into the river.
11月13号,松花江上游一家化工厂爆炸,造成100吨苯和硝基苯泄露进松花江。 |
A blast of wind blew my hat off.
一阵风吹走了我的帽子。 |
A blast of wind blew the window and the door agape.
一阵风把门和窗子都吹开了。 |
A blast of wind lifted the entire roof off the house. The whole family huddled in the slashing rain.
一阵狂风掀走了整个房顶,在劈头盖脸的雨水中,一家人紧紧地依偎在一起。 |
A blastboat fills the gap between highly maneuverable starfighters and weapons-laden capital warships.
炮艇填补了高机动性星际战斗机和武器林立的战船间的空缺。 |
A blate cat makes a proud mouse.
猫儿腼腆,老鼠翻天。 |
A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern France then, than at any other time before or since.
在法国南部,八月炎热的日子里骄阳当空,在那之前或之后这都不是什么稀罕的事。 |