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Then she moved to Los Angeles.

Then she got this dream, in it she saw the contents of the website appeared clearly in the clear water of some holy lake in India or Tibet. 接着她得到这个梦:她看到华文网页的内容很清晰地呈现在印度或西藏的一个很清澈水流的圣湖中。
Then she had her mutilated arms tied to her back, and at sunrise she set forth, walking the entire day until it was night. 她请人将她残废的手绑到身后,等太阳升起来的时候,便出发了。
Then she heard his step on the stair away down on the first flight, and she turned white for just a moment . 后来她听到丈夫在楼梯上飞快的第一步,而她正是在这一刹那脸色变白了。
Then she left and returned with her retinue to her own country. 于是女王和她臣仆转回本国去了。
Then she lets her shoulders relax,picks up the dice. 然后,她的肩膀松弛下来,拿起了骰子。
Then she moved to Los Angeles. 后来,刘玉玲去往洛杉矶。
Then she persuade me to buy one. 然后她动员我也买了一辆.
Then she places needles along the wrinkle lines of the face, sagging points on the neck and other places you'd like to change. 然后,沿着脸上的皱纹走向扎针,按压颈部或者其它你想改变的地方的穴位。
Then she poured out her tale of misfortune.. 然后他讲述了自己不幸遭遇。
Then she pulled out a clean sheet of paper and using her “idea list” as a guide she created a list of 5 or 6 things that she planned to accomplish that day. 然后,她拿出一张洁净的纸,并使用她的“主意清单”做为一个向导,来制作一个五六件事情的,她计划当天来完成的事情的清单。
Then she saddled a donkey and said to her servant, Drive and go forward; do not slow down the pace for me unless I tell you. 王下4:24于是备上驴、对仆人说、你快快赶著走.我若不吩咐你、就不要迟慢。

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