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We also produce kitchen platform , window sill board testing table , bar table and counter .

We also possess a complete quality guarantee system, under the guidance of “Quality first,Customer supreme”,we pursue the products' quantity unremittingly; Our sales workers always accumulate abudant foreign trade knowledge and abide the principle of “Tru 公司还拥有一套完整的生产品质跟踪保证体系,视产品质量为生命线,以专业的眼光要求产品质量,在“品质第一,客户至上”引导下,不懈追求产品品质,公司外销人员在工作中,积累丰富的外贸专业知识,以“诚信经营、平等互利”的原则为客户提供优质高效服务。
We also prepare to display mementos from private collection. You are welcome to bring yours to help others recollect and know more about the event. 我们还准备让大家一起来展示我们掌握得到的纪念品。欢迎您带你的收藏品来观摩,帮助大家回忆、认识这个事件。
We also present the patient's clinical manifestations, imaging findings and pathological diagnosis. 同时也讨论该例之其临床表征、图象学发现与病理学诊断。
We also produce Table mats and Electrical Tape. 同时,我们还生产电工胶带桌椅垫。
We also produce all kinds of nonstandard and standard products according to customers' designs. 同时来图来样定做各种非标准焊割炬、焊割嘴及配件。
We also produce kitchen platform , window sill board testing table , bar table and counter . 本公司还专业生产室内装潢行业中的厨房料理台面,窗台板,实验台,餐台,吧台、接应台等。
We also produce kitchen platform, window still board, testing table, bar table and counter. 本公司还专业生产厨房料理台面,窗台板,实验台,餐台,吧台,接应台等。
We also produce reefer containers, non-standard dry containers, medical hyperbolic oxygen chambers, fin type heat exchangers, pressure vessels, castings and metal construction, etc. 同时,还生产冷藏集装箱、非标干货集装箱、医用高压氧舱、板翅式换热器、压力容器、铸铁件、工业厂房、金属结构件等产品。
We also produce the following projects: Injection Product, Extrusion Product, and Die Cast Product. 我们还生产以下项目:注塑产品、挤塑产品、铸铝产品。
We also prospectively studied the post-operative changes of visual acuity, astigmatism, and endothelial cell loss of the alternative technique as compared with those occurring when ECCE and phacoemulsification were performed. 结果显示晶核切割术及晶体乳化术优于囊外白内障摘除术,有较佳的早期视力回复及较少的术后散光。
We also proved that lead of the twist-roller frictional drive not only is influenced by the load, but also has relation with contact stiffness between the twist-roller and the shaft. 证明了导程的变化量不仅取决于载荷变化量,而且取决于扭轮和传动轴之间的接触刚度。

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