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Susan is a little too top-heavy to be a model.

Susan has been walking on air ever since she got the official letter that she's been accepted as a graduate student at the University of California. 这句话的意思是:自从苏珊收到加州大学正式通知书,说她被录取为研究生以后,她真是轻飘飘的,好像腾云驾雾一样。
Susan has hands like the color of a pickling cabbage. 苏珊有一双颜色象泡菜一样的手。
Susan has to run for the bus at 8 am in order to avoid rush hour. 为了躲开高峰期,苏珊只得每天早上8点赶公共汽车。
Susan have a close call in her car. 苏珊开车险些遇到意外。
Susan is a devious person and we can't depend on her. 苏姗是个狡猾的人,我们不能依赖她。
Susan is a little too top-heavy to be a model. 苏栅对于作模特来说胸部有点儿太大了。
Susan is a student at Birmingham. 苏姗是伯明翰大学的学生。
Susan is always correcting other people. She thinks she's a know-it-all. 苏珊总是纠正别人,她觉得自己是个万事通。
Susan is an excellent actress. 苏珊是一位实力派演员。
Susan is constantly trying to pick apart your efforts. 苏珊不断地企图贬低你的努力。
Susan is going to bake a cake. 苏珊打算烤一块蛋糕。

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