Axis Manpower Blitz cooldown increased to 4 minutes from 3. Penalty duration decreased to 2 minutes from 3 minutes.
人力闪电战冷却时间从3分钟增加到4分钟,惩罚时间从3分钟降低为2分钟。 |
Axis Motorcycle more resilient to small arms fire.
轴心国摩托车对轻武器耐受能力增加。 |
Axis Ostwind Flakpanzer area of effect radius increased.
轴心国东风防空坦克炮弹杀伤范围增加。 |
Axis Panther Tanks can now crush Tank Traps.
豹式坦克现在可以冲破坦克障碍。 |
Axis Panzerfaust ability damage increased versus Allied Jeep.
轴心国国民掷弹兵的铁拳火箭对吉普车威力增加。 |
Axis Propaganda CP reduced to 2 points from 3.
心战宣传消耗点数从3降低为2。 |
Axis Sniper build time reduced to 40 seconds from 60 seconds.
狙击手生产时间从60秒降低为40秒。 |
Axis Stormtrooper squad removed from the Urban Assault Team and the Armored Assault Force Commander Tree Abilities.
轴心国城市突击队和装甲突击队技能不再提供风暴突击队班。 |
Axis Stormtroopers will now come out of camouflage while retreating.
轴心国风暴突击队在撤退时将会失去伪装。 |
Axis StuHs damage vs buildings modifier reduced to 100% from 150%.
4号榴弹炮对建筑物的伤害从150%降低为100%。 |
Axis Stug and StuH's rotation speed increased to 33 from 30.
4突和4号榴弹炮旋转速度从30增加到33。 |