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I can't help you, I'm afraid.
我帮不了你的忙, 对不起.

I can't help thinking (that)education should be free for all. 我不能不认为教育应向大众开放。
I can't help thinking space travel is a waste of money. 我总是认为空间旅行是浪费钱财。
I can't help wondering, though, if perhaps even the most prolifically creative among us are better off when they take a vacation. 不过,我情不自禁地猜想,会不会当我们休假的时候,或许我们的创造性会体现最为淋漓尽致。
I can't help you any further. 我不能更进一步帮助你。
I can't help you this time ,even though I sympathize you. 我同情你,但是这次是帮不了你了。
I can't help you, I'm afraid. 我帮不了你的忙, 对不起.
I can't hold my streaming tears when I got the tragic news. May you find comfort in knowing that I am sharing your loss. 当我听到这个噩耗,不禁泪如雨下,我在分担你的悲痛,希望你能感到安慰。
I can't hold off the lure. 我不能抵挡诱惑.
I can't hold out (ie retain my urine) much longer; I must find a toilet. 我憋不住了(要小便), 得找个厕所.
I can't hold with him, he's insupportable. 我不能容忍他,他简直使人受不了。
I can't hold with that behavior. 我不能容忍那种行为.

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