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Your point of view must be cohesive and easy to follow.

Your plan will keep you in control of your life, moving ahead toward your goal of success and happiness. 计划可以帮你掌管自己的生活,使你朝着成功和幸福的人生目标前进。
Your plans have a solid touch of idealism attached. 你的计划附带着实在的理想主义特色。
Your plans have my approval. 你的计划我赞成。
Your playing approach, and maybe even the chord itself, may change to suit the mental environment more precisely. 你的弹奏途径,甚至可能就是和弦自己,也许变得与精神境界相配得更加和谐。
Your plunder, O nations, is harvested as by young locusts; like a swarm of locusts men pounce on it. 4你们所掳的,必被敛尽,好像蚂蚱吃(原文作敛)尽禾稼。人要蹦在其上,好像蝗虫一样。
Your point of view must be cohesive and easy to follow. 你的观点必须是连贯的,并且易懂的。
Your portfolio may include works of progress, sketchbooks, and tear sheets. 它们可以包括尚未完成的作品,小品集以及报刊剪贴。
Your position may be in question if you haven't been pulling your weight. 水瓶座:工作不尽职的话你的位置就会受到威胁。
Your posting has just come through: you're going to Hong Kong. 你的调令刚到:你要去香港了.
Your posting has just come through: you're going to Hong Kong. 你的调令刚到: 你要去香港了.
Your potential[1] is like those jewels with a dazzling array of facets. 而你的潜能就像那些从各个钻面上闪烁着眩目光彩的宝石一般。

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