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He, like his teammates, is very humble, and prefers to defer to Duncan.

He, furthermore, stresses that the necessary conditions for an everlasting beautiful painting are individual character of schema and connotative pureness of painting styles. 同时,文章强调山水画在注重图式个性的同时,应使笔墨的精神内涵更加纯粹,这是提升山水画“耐看”的必要条件。
He, himself, was wounded by shrapnel (fragments of exploding shells). 他自己也被流弹(爆炸后弹壳的碎片)所伤。
He, however, explained it himself in terms of avoiding the glare of the sun-particularly the glare from windows inside sharply sunlit buildings. 这堵墙从向天空敞开的洞口处接收日光,因此使窗户的眩光减轻,但又不遮挡视线。”
He, in company with many others, feels this decision is wrogn. 和许多其他人一样,他觉得这个决定是错误的.
He, in his sleigh pulled by nine reindeer, usually lands on slippery sloped roofs. 他坐在由九头驯鹿拉着的雪橇上,在通常很滑的斜屋顶上降落。
He, like his teammates, is very humble, and prefers to defer to Duncan. 和他谦逊的队友们一样,他也表示邓肯才是更合适的人选。
He, said, “Is it a true story? 他问我那是否是个真实的故事。
He, too, arrived near Calais on the same day with a new Antoinette. 同一天,他驾驶一架新的“安特瓦特”号飞机来到了加来附近。
He, too, is unable to come to terms with the sequence of events that tore his family apart this year. 一年下来,他也忍受不了使家庭支离破碎的这一系列不幸事件的折磨。
He, with his parents, lives in a big house. 18他和他的父母住在一幢大房子里。
He-he, thanks you for support I should have thought that you may oppose woollen cloth , you speak such that translating an once to English writing , helps you to find out a mistake all right! 翻译:嘻嘻,谢谢你们的支持我还以为你们会反对我呢,你说得也很对写的英文翻译一下,也好帮你们找出错误!

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