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In this contest, you have to list the ingredients used by Rickshaw to make the dish photographed above.

In this connection, please refer to our letter of May 6. 关于这个问题,请参阅我们五月六日的来信。
In this connection, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, with the agreement of the Administrative Commission for Foreign Investment, notified the Administration for Postal Affairs of Guangdong Province and the Ministry of Foreign Trade on July 23, 对此,邮电部商得外国投资管理委员会的同意,分别于一九八0年七月二十三日、九月十二日告知广东省邮电管理局和外贸部,以邮政通信包括信函、印刷品、文件资料的进出口传递业务应统由邮电部邮政总局管理和办理为由予以制止。
In this connection, we reaffirm the right of WTO Members to use, to the full, the provisions in the TRIPS Agreement, which provide flexibility for this purpose. 有鉴于此,我们重申WTO成员有百分之一百使用《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》中为实现此目的而提供灵活性的条款。
In this connection, we would like to draw your attention also to Chapter 2 of this document comparing “FELUWA Hose Diaphragm Piston Pumps (HDPP) vs. conventional Diaphragm Pumps”. 在这方面,我们特提请您注意本标书第2章的内容“FELUWA软管隔膜活塞泵与传统隔膜泵的比较。
In this contest you were next to Mr Stevenson. 在这次比赛中你仅次于史蒂文森先生。
In this contest, you have to list the ingredients used by Rickshaw to make the dish photographed above. 除了命名竞赛,我们还安排了材料竞赛,请大家猜猜人力车餐厅做这道菜用了什麽材料!
In this context I will like to make a clarification. 关于这一点,我想澄清一下。
In this context, grant-hungry researchers usually bring up the examples of diabetes, motor-neuron disease and Parkinson's disease. 为此,渴望获得许可的研究人员通常抛出糖尿病,运动神经疾病和帕金森症来作为实例。
In this context, my paper will be divided into three sections to discuss the characteristics of women's imagination on nation/state: 1) nationalism in resistance, 2) collaboration with Japanese imperialism, 3) entangling between Japanese imperialism and w 基于此,本论文将从抵抗民族主义、亲日协作、两个帝国主义等三个部分考察女性的民族╱国家想像与殖民地特殊性。
In this context, new errors are likely to regularly crop up. 综上所述,新的错误也会不断冒出。
In this context, the evolution of the induced structural anisotropy, the percentage of sliding contacts, and the average coordination number were presented and discussed. 这里引入并介绍了结构异性张量、滑动接触比率以及平均配位数。

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