The official Russian translation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,the latest installment in the popular series, will not be released until December, but impatient fans needed only to go online to start reading the book two days after its release
官方俄语版《哈利·波特与混血王子》(哈利·波特6)在俄罗斯的正式上市日期是12月3日,但是俄罗斯的“哈利·波特”迷们于7月18日就已在网上读到了这本书的俄文译本。 |
The official World Cup web-site will screen highlights, but not in real time.
世界杯官方网站将播出精彩镜头,但不是实时的。 |
The official Xinhua News Agency says villagers blocked a highway to demand more compensation for land seizures.
官方的新华社报导说,村民堵住一条公路,要求对征地给予更多补偿。 |
The official Xinhua news agency reported the rules target new forms of corruptionto try to catch up with the tricks of wily, corrupt officials.
新华社报道称,新法规目标在于新型受贿,为了打击腐败官员不断更新的受贿伎俩. |
The official Xinhua news agency said the 41 had died after eating traditional breakfast snacks including sesame cakes and fried dough sticks at a branch of the Heshengyuan Soy Milk chain.
新华社报道说,41人因为在一家名为和生园(?)豆浆连锁店的分店食用传统的早间小吃,包括芝麻蛋糕和油条(?)已经死亡。 |
The official Xinhua news agency says emergency workers are in contact with another five miners but that 24 others remain unaccounted for.
官方的新华社说,紧急救援工作人员与另外5名矿工也取得了联系,但是还有24人依然下落不明。 |
The official added that the unexpectedly small blast, of a half kiloton or less, indicated something went wrong.
这位官员补充爆炸的规模之小,出乎意料,大约只有半吨当量,这显示着“出了故障”。 |
The official also said it might be possible that some of their medicines were priced higher, but they would conduct a complete check and get them readjusted before April 16.
这位管理人员还说,有可能部分药品标价偏高,但是他们将进行全面清查,在4月16日之前,把这部分药品的价格调整到位。 |
The official announcement finally extinguished any a lingering hopes we might have had !
官方的声明终于使我们久久不能释怀的希望破灭! |
The official announcement of the Quartet's decision was to be made Wednesday, a senior U.S. official said.
美国一位高级官员说,中东“四方”的这一决定将于本周三正式宣布。 |
The official church fervently opposed this as it made the Church loose control of the masses.
官方教会一直强烈反对它,因为它使教会丧失了对大众的控制。 |