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There is also an exercise on summarising.

There is also a “Third Market” which is the over-the-counter trading of listed stocks and a “Fourth Market” where large institutions trade directly with each other without going through brokers. “三级市场”也进行上市股票的场外交易,大型机构在“四级市场”直接交易而不通过经纪人。
There is also an Indian Art Expo and Market at the powwow where Indian artists gather to show their traditional work, such as pottery, jewelry, beadwork, and paintings. 祈祷仪式上也有一场印地安艺术展览会及市集,印地安艺术家会在此处聚集并藉以展示他们的传统作品,如:陶器、首饰、珠饰及绘画。
There is also an allowance for funeral, for the State boasts that it looks after people “from cradle to grave”! 另外,家里有人过世还发给丧葬费,因为国家夸耀说,英国人从“摇篮到坟墓”一生都得到照料!
There is also an effort to tap geothermal energy. 同时还有一个开发地热能的计划。
There is also an element of incongruity in the writer's description. 作者的描述同样包含着一个不和谐因素。
There is also an exercise on summarising. 这同样可以训练你总结概括的能力。
There is also an external kundahlini, which is equivalent to fire jumping off of the skin of the etheric body. 也有一个外部昆达里尼,它等同于跃离以太体皮肤的火焰。
There is also an internal calendar and calculator. 还有一个内部日历和计算器.
There is also another Jay composition, “Amnesia”, in Fish Leong's new album Kissing the Future of Love, perhaps because with the help of Mayday in production and mixing, even though the song is ultimately a “Jay Production”, it still managed to bring out 梁静茹新专辑里也出现周杰伦的创作「失忆」,或许是有五月天协助编曲和制作,这首恬淡清柔的小品,即使是「周董出品」,但还是保有「梁氏情歌」的味道,在专辑里不算特别突出,但也不显突兀。
There is also co iderable doubt as to whether a totalitarian regime that allows little di ent can continue to preside over an increasingly diverse and heterogeneous society in the long term. 一个容许极少异见声音的极权政府长远是否能够继续统治越来越多元化的社会,实在相当惹人质疑。
There is also concern over anti-Japanese sentiment. 此外,对反日情绪的担忧也是一个方面。

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