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Even if it is not a network problem, how do you prove it's not?

Even if his own father or mother or brother or sister dies, he must not make himself ceremonially unclean on account of them, because the symbol of his separation to God is on his head. 7他的父母或是弟兄姐妹死了的时候,他不可因他们使自己不洁净,因为那离俗归神的凭据是在他头上。
Even if invited, I wouldnt go. 即使邀请我,我也不去。
Even if is the leisure design, also reveals the style which works with great care. 即使是休闲的款式,也流露出精雕细刻的风范。
Even if it be true that any glimmer of the higher reason penetrates back into the grades of life below the attainment of speech, it must be only into those just below, and is not to be looked for in our baby for a long time yet. 大概是说较高层次的理性在语言能力获得之前的阶段应该都有迹可寻,但有迹可寻的阶段应该是较晚一些的阶段,而宝宝还没有到那些阶段。
Even if it had, it is doubtful it would have helped. 不过,即便德国曾经出现房地产热潮,或许也不会对该国消费有任何助益。
Even if it is not a network problem, how do you prove it's not? 也许那不是一个网络问题,可是你又如何去证明呢?
Even if it is not complete, it could certainly be interesting for distributors to optimize the automatic customization. 即使它并不全,它对散布者〔进行〕「自动客户化」的优化也肯定是有用的。
Even if it is too soon to declare that a recent improvement in productivity growth is anything more than temporary, between 2008 and 2012 potential GDP growth may be 2.2%, compared with an actual average of only 2% between 1995 and 2005. 尽管断定最近生产力的增长并非昙花一现还为时过早,相比1995到2005年间实际上2%的平均增长,2008到2012年间的GDP增长可能达到2.2%。
Even if it proceeds quite swiftly, a new president and Congress with globe-cooling ideas of their own will be in place long before any new rules come into effect. 即使环保署马上行动,在任何新规定生效之前,具有环保观念的新总统和新国会早准备好实施自己的想法了。
Even if it rained, I would go swimming. 即使下雨我也去游泳。
Even if it rains tomorrow, we will start out. 即使明天下雨,我们也要动身。

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