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After the introduction of Islam, the coexistence of diverse religions continued to be the order of the day in Xinjiang, to be joined later by Protestantism and Catholicism.

After the interview has been documented, using closed questions can usually do any clarification. 在会谈已文字记录后,使用封闭性问题可以澄清理解。
After the interview, Minister Yue invited General Secretary Yao Haitao of Made in China Association &madeincinaindex and Vice General president Guo guofu and Administrative Director Cai Jiukun to meal, during the meal, once again he prized the achievement 会谈后,岳玉成公使热情邀请姚秘书长和郭国富副会长、蔡九坤常务理事一同共进午餐,再一次向姚秘书长等人的来访表示欢迎,并对中国制造厂商协会促进“中国制造走出去”战略所取得的成绩给予充分肯定。
After the interview, many send handwritten thank-you notes saying how much they enjoyed meeting me. 在面试后,许多人都发来亲手写下的感谢信,表达他们和我的会见多么令人愉快。
After the interview, send a thank-you note or e-mail. This will leave a good, lasting impression. 面试过后,发一封感谢信或电子邮件。这样会使你留下持久良好的印象。
After the interview, the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully. 采访后,记者一定要提交出组织严密的材料,并确保文章的真实反映事实和舆论。
After the introduction of Islam, the coexistence of diverse religions continued to be the order of the day in Xinjiang, to be joined later by Protestantism and Catholicism. 伊斯兰教传入后,新疆不仅继续维持了多种宗教并存的局面,而且又有基督教、天主教等宗教传入。
After the introduction of basic model for the survey, this paper tries to relaxthe hypothesis of the basic model from such angels as considering the sale services, setting the type of assumed conjecture for rival's price change, transforming the form of c 本文首先给出理论综述的基本模型,从引入销售服务变量,设定零售商的价格猜想类型,改变零售商的竞争方式,考虑信息不对称和交易成本,以及市场的不确定性和需求弹性的变化等多个角度逐次放宽假设条件,归纳出效率改进或反竞争效应两大基本结论。
After the introduction of sanitary water and sewage treatment, the number of cases of cholera quickly diminished. 实行卫生用水与污水处理以后,霍乱病例的数量迅速减少了。
After the introduction of the Internet computers are linked each other to provide connectivity. 随着因特网的进入,计算机之间可以进行互连进行信息的交换。
After the introductions from the four guests was sign up ,the students all responsed actively and represented galactic passions. 四位嘉宾介绍后,报名工作展开,大家的反应都很积极,表现了极大的学术热情。
After the introductions of the four guests was signed up ,the students all responsed actively and appeared galactic passions. 四位嘉宾介绍后,报名工作展开,大家的反应都很积极,表现了极大的学术热情。

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