We do not read much about progress in the New Testament, but, strangely enough, it gives us the only intelligible meaning of that vague word.
我们在新约中读到有关进步的报道不多,但是,非常奇怪的是,对于“进步”那一意义含混的词,却是新约给了我们仅有的明智的含义。 |
We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy.
我们并不认可任何独裁的阶层. |
We do not recommend freezing the food because it can affect palatability.
我们不建议把宠物粮置于急冻厢,否则会影响其适口性。 |
We do not restrict our investments to this area however and will consider a wide variety of technologies with applications in the biomedical sciences.
我们不只投资这个领域,我们会考虑广泛的生物医学应用技术。 |
We do not road history simply for pleasure, but in order that we may discover the laws of politic growth and change.
我们不能简单地为了娱乐而回顾历史,而应该为了从中发现政治的演变和变化的规律。 |
We do not run around like crazy people saying that we are cursed or that astral nasties are going to get us.
我们重视自己履行的事实重于道听途说我们不会想那些发疯的人所说的到处招摇撞骗、充满邪恶,那只会毁掉我们自己。 |
We do not see companies specialising in a single size of trouser; if we did, you would be swamped with pairs that fitted you well.
我们不会看到有公司专门生产单一尺码的裤子;如果发生这种情况,你就会有大量适合自己的裤子。 |
We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we may have peace.
我们寻求和平不是为了要处于战乱中,而是通过战争我们才可能得到和平。 |
We do not set prices. It's all a function of market economics. Distributors will pay as little as they can to maximize profits.
我们没有为产品设定价格。所有的都只是市场经济的功能(在起作用)。经销商都想(在采购时)付出最少的成本以最大化他们的利益。 |
We do not stray out of all words into the ever silent; we do not raise our hands to the void for things beyond hope.
我们没有走出一切语言之外进入永远的沉默;我们没有向空举手寻求希望以外的东西。 |
We do not subscribe to this theory.
我们不能认同这项理论。 |