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Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel's plot.

Her interviews suggest it was imported in about 2003, by people working on a road bypassing Antananarivo, the country's capital. 琼斯博士指出这种龙虾被路过马达加斯加首都安塔纳纳里弗的筑路工人于2003年带入境的。
Her investment had disastrous consequences: she lost everything she owned. 她的投资结果很惨, 血本无归.
Her investment had disastrous consequences: she lost everything she owned. 她的投资结果很惨,血本无归.
Her irresponsible behavior has caused a great deal of anxiety for her family. 她不责任的行为已为她的家庭引发极大的不安。
Her irresponsible behaviour cost her father many sleepless nights. 她那不负责任的行为使她父亲许多夜不得安眠。
Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel's plot. 这部小说情节中贯穿了她的忌妒之心.
Her jewellery is all in hock. 她当掉了所有的首饰.
Her job at the TV Station didn't officially start for another two weeks. 她在电台的工作两周以后才正式开始。
Her job has with computers, so she's on computer science. 她的工作与计算机有很大关系,所以她正在研究计算机科学。
Her job is cooking meals every day. 她的工作是每天做饭。
Her job is selling computers. 她的工作是销售电脑。

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