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Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Yeoh Eng-kiong, and Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Michael Suen are still at the bottom, much like last time.

Secretary Powell said hundreds of U.S. citizens remain unaccounted for, though they are not necessarily among the casualties. 鲍威尔国务卿说,数百名美国公民仍然没有消息,尽管他们未必就在伤亡者之列。
Secretary Rice expressed pleasure at the Nobel announcement Friday, and Undersecretary of State Nicolas Burns voiced the United States reaction this way. 国务卿莱斯周五表示,对这项诺贝尔奖的宣布结果她个人感到很高兴,而国务次卿尼可拉斯?邦姆斯亦表达美国相同的态度。
Secretary Rice's stopover in Baghdad was not previously announced for security reasons. 出于安全考虑,国务卿赖斯中途在巴格达的停留事前并未公开。
Secretary Riley's Read Right Now initiative will encourage one million children to keep reading, even after the school doors are close. 瑞里部长的现在就开始阅读计划将鼓励一百万的儿童保持阅读,即使在学校关门以后。
Secretary Seward is a farsighted statesman who accomplished the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867 at the sum of  72,000,000(less than two cents an acre ). 国务卿苏厄德是一位有远见的政治家,他在1867年从俄国手里以七千两百万美元(一公顷不到两分钱)的金额买下了阿拉斯加。
Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Yeoh Eng-kiong, and Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Michael Suen are still at the bottom, much like last time. 政制事务局局长林瑞麟、卫生福利及食物局局长杨永强、和房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬,则仍然排行榜末,无甚起色。
Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham named it the highest “midterm” priority in a 20-year outlook of new science facilities. 在「未来科学设备的20年展望」中,美国能源部部长亚伯拉罕将这项计画列为最优先的中程目标。
Secretary of State Colin Powell discussed the issue in an unusual set of appearances on five TV network morning programs Tuesday. 星期二早上,鲍威尔国务卿不同寻常地接连在五个电视频道上露面,讨论了这个问题。
Secretary of State Colin Powell visited the region a few months ago and got a first hand look at the tragic conditions there. 美国国务卿鲍威尔几个月前访问了达尔富尔地区,亲眼目睹了那里的惨况。
Secretary of State Colin Powell, renowned musician Ravi Shankar of India, and Russian human rights activist Sergei Kovalyov and previous nominees such as former Czech president Vaclav Havel, Israeli nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu, and Bono of the 还有很多以前就曾经获得提名、这次再次被提名的人选,其中包括前捷克总统哈维尔、披露以色列核武项目内幕的核专家瓦努努等政治人物,也有爱尔兰U2歌唱组合中的主唱博诺等“平民百姓”。
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced the Bush administration is lifting its economic and political embargo against the Palestinian government. 美国国务卿赖斯宣布,布什政府将(取消)对巴勒斯坦政府实行经济和政治封锁。

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