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The Grid takes its name from an analogy with the electrical power grid.

The Gregorian dome, due to its unique geometrical shape, focuses the signal reflected by Arecibo spherical dish one a single point inside the dome. “罗马穹顶”由于它独特的几何外形,将阿雷西博球形碟面反射来的信号聚焦到它内部的一个点上。
The GregorianToJD() function converts a date from the Gregorian calendar to Julian day count. 函数的作用是:将格里高里历转为儒略日计数。
The Grid MP platform is a comprehensive architecture that was built from the ground up to tackle the unique challenges of security, scalability, and manageability in distributed computing. 网格MP平台是一个综合性的架构,是分布式计算建立在从基础应用直到解决特别的安全、可测量性和可管理性的挑战上的。
The Grid mesh is a high performance computer with the strategy foundation that the information serve facilities, Every kind of resources that it distribute the geography, the different construction pass the conjunction of super-speed network and gather ge 网格是高性能计算机和信息服务的战略性基础设施,它将地理上分布、异构的各种资源通过高速网络连接并集成起来,共同完成重大的科研问题。
The Grid provided the above antinomy of a kind of solution with the difficulty's thought method for us, Make use of the Grid technique for completely handle the resources to share, person machine the combination wait the problem with information safety, a 网格为我们提供了一种解决上述矛盾和困难的思维方式,运用网格技术对于全面处理资源共享、人机结合和信息安全等问题,有重大的指导意义。
The Grid takes its name from an analogy with the electrical power grid. 网格将它的名字比喻为与电有关的“电网“。
The Grid would let users tap processing power off the Internet as easily as electrical power can be drawn from a wall socket. 网格会让用户感到象从电源插座获得电源那样容易,就如同关掉电源。
The Grigsby crowd rushed him and a free-for-all followed, much to the regret of the Grigsbys .Lincoln came out the winner. 格雷斯比家的人冲过来,随之是一场大混战,格雷斯比家族很是懊恼,林肯是大混战的胜利者。
The Griz won't have an itchy trade trigger in that vein. 灰熊将不会有一个伤到动脉的大交易.
The Gross Domestic Production value in Xiangzhou District reached 8.25 billion Yuan from January to September, among which the tertiary industry saw a higher growth rate, with business income increased by 24.8% to 16.39 billion Yuan, and value-added outpu 一至九月,香洲区实现国内生产总值82.5亿元,其中第三产业保持了较快增长,营业收入和实现增加值分别为达163.9亿元和40.4亿元,同比分别增长24.8%和21.3%。
The Ground coffee are lightly roasted. The fine taste is the best start into a new day. 简介:味道平和香柔,中等醇度,味道中苦中带甜,早晨喝一杯咖啡,度快乐的一天。

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