Please see the guideline here.
请见有关规定。 |
Please see the information below regarding the conditions for adding Account-to-Account transfers to your Pinnacle account.
首先没有欠款、没有未完成的存款。必须有借记卡或者信用卡信息,否则不能转账。 |
Please see the nurse and have your blood pressure checked.
请您去找护士量一下血压。 |
Please see to it that the goods are shipped per PEACE sailing on or about October 15th.
请确保货物由十月十五日左右启航的“和平轮”装运。 |
Please see to it that your goods meet our requirement.
请务必保证贵方货物符合我方要求。 |
Please see who is at the door.
请去看看谁在门口。 |
Please seek out difficult challenges and work hard.
你们要主动觉受辛劳。 |
Please select CLASS and browse Dictation Scope Records.
请选择班别及浏览有关默书範围记录。 |
Please select SCRIPTS of your choice and make the purchase this week.
上周已将礼卷选购单发给同学带回,请家长务必把握机会踊跃选购,以备暑假中使用。 |
Please select a payment option.
请选择一个订单支付的方式。 |
Please select a product from left.
请从左面选择产品。 |