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1 Checking the mud test equipment in the pilot test kit.

1 Cameron ME.Histology of pterygium:an electron microscopic study.Br J Ophthalmol.1988;67∶604-607. 2罗晨美,王映芬,黄培根,等.翼状胬肉成纤维细胞的体外培养.中国实用眼科杂志1993;11∶295-296.
1 Can I ask you some questions? 我能部你几个问题吗?
1 Cast specifications shown. Smaller sizes may be manufactured from equivalent bar stock specifications. 1图示中是铸件规格的阀门。小通径阀门可能采用等价的棒材材料进行制造。
1 Certainly, the school curriculum plays a relatively small role as compared to the influence of family, community, mass media, and society. 当然,与家庭、社区、新闻媒体以及社会的影响相比,学校的课程相对来说起了很小的作用。
1 Changing trains with all that luggage was a real hassle . 带著那麽多行李换乘火车真是件麻烦事.
1 Checking the mud test equipment in the pilot test kit. 检查仪器箱中的泥浆试验设备。
1 Checklist &specifications or relevant materials to be all listed in instruction documents. 点检清单及规格或相关资料都详细列明在指引文件内.
1 Classical music is also simple, restrained and harmonious in style. 翻译:古典音乐在风格上也简朴,内敛和悦耳。
1 Coleman RE, Woll PJ, Miles H, et al. Treatment of bone metastases from breast cancer with 3-amino-hydroxypropylidene-1, 1-bisphos phonate. Br J Cancer 1988; 58: 612-5. 2胡允平,潘祖玉,缪承禧,李国维,李开沪.骨膦胶囊治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移.中国新药与临床杂志1998;17:52-3.
1 Complete these sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets, changing the word order where necessary. 用括号中所给的动词的现在进行时完成句子,必要时变化词序。
1 Comrade Chang speaks not only English, but also French. 1张同志不但能讲英语,而且还能讲法语。

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