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Ha—ha! The manager fell down. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

Haze Shenron - Haze Shenron is the Dragon of Pollution. 阴霾龙(二星龙):阴霾龙是污染之龙。
Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning. 榛树——智慧之树,学问加大它的力量,让它带来明亮的火。
Hazing, the submitting of initiates to indignities at the hands of upperclassman, is a part of a tradition of rites of passage. 捉弄新生活动,即让新生遭到高年级学生们的捉弄,这一活动是一项传统的成长仪式。
Hazy about demand from shebang. 不清楚工作对自己的要求。
Hazzard is a distinctly non-populist author: she writes in longhand, took more than a decade to complete her winning novel, doesn't own a TV and has never read a Stephen King novel. 雪莉就是个典型的非畅销书作家,她的创作周期很长,她用十多年的时间才完成自己的得奖小说,自己家里连电视都没有,也从来没看过金的小说。
Ha—ha! The manager fell down. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! 哈,哈!经理跌倒了。活该!大快人心。
He downplayedthe possibility of holding last-ditch talks with Iraq in Switzerland. 他淡化”了在瑞士与伊拉克进行最后阶段谈判的可能性。
He (She) may be untrust worthy and unwilling to make a life-time commitment to you. 他也许不信任或不愿意为你做出终身的承诺。
He (TV viewer) is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort on his part. 他全身心投入到电视节目中去了,没有任何事情可以影响到他。
He (ie His body) broadened out in his twenties. 他二十多岁时身躯变宽了.
He - probably swayed by prudential consideration of the folly of offending a good tenant - relaxed a little in the laconic style of chipping off his pronouns and auxiliary verbs, and introduced what he supposed would be a subject of interest to me, - a di 他肯定是谨慎考虑了惹恼一个好的房客是很蠢的事情,他开始略微改变他的谈话简洁的风格,比如省掉代词和辅助动词,并开始开始谈他认为我会感兴趣的话题,关于我现在要住的地方的有点和缺点的谈话。

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