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After the Cold War, the United States grows to be the only superpower in the world.

After the Arameans saw that they had been routed by Israel, they sent messengers and had Arameans brought from beyond the River, with Shophach the commander of Hadadezer's army leading them. 16亚兰人见自己被以色列人打败,就打发使者将大河那边的亚兰人调来,哈大利谢的将军朔法率领他们。
After the August 2005 mine disaster, for instance, reporters and their friends in Henan province dispatched a flurry of cellphone messages as soon as they heard the news -- not because they were eager to report on it, but because they knew local officials 举个例子说,当05年8月的矿难发生后,在河南省的记者们和他们的朋友一听到这个消息马上就用手机信息把这个信息传送出去,不是因为他们非常渴望去报道这个事情,二是因为他们知道当地政府官员一定会想尽办法让这个消息掩藏起来。
After the Babylonian Judgment God brought back a few of his people to the land of Canaan. They began the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. 在巴比伦人审判时期以后,神把一些他的子民带回迦南地。他们开始了以色列王国的复兴。
After the Battle of Endor, Madine declined seat on the New Republic's provisional council, He subsequently became supreme Allied commander for intelligence, and was deeply involved in the New Republic's clash with Grand Admiral Thrawn. 在安铎之战以后,马汀拒绝成为新共和临时性的参议员,他后来成为同盟中最大的情报指挥官,并且深深的帮助新共政府对抗索龙元帅。
After the Civil War, American business began to cultivate Navassa's rich bounty. 南北战争后,美国企业界开始开采纳弗沙丰富的物产。
After the Cold War, the United States grows to be the only superpower in the world. 摘要冷战结束后,美国成为全球唯一超级大国。
After the Cold-War, the European Institutions have to consider the problems of adaptation and adjustment on the one hand, and address the impacts which the Eastern Europe Revolution has evoked on the other. 摘要冷战结束后,欧陆国际组织一方面必须思考组织的续存问题,另一方面却又必须处理东欧革命所引发的后续效应。
After the Columbine massacre in 1999, the FBI produced a report on school shooters. (5)It concluded that it was impossible to draw up a useful profile of a potential shooter because “a great many adolescents who will never commit violent acts will show so 1999年科隆比纳惨案发生后,联邦调查局撰写了一份关于校园枪手的报告,认定不可能仅从外在表现来判断一个人是否可能为凶手,因为“很多从来都不会作出暴力举动的青少年也会有某些越界(应当受到警告的)表现”。
After the Culture Revolution, the central government convened a series of meetings and did a lot of substantive work in an effort to re-invigorate China's economic sector . “文革”后,中央政府召开了一系列会议,做了大量的实质性工作,努力振兴中国经济.
After the Day of Pentecost, people went out and told of the love of Christ, which they had themselves experienced. 在五旬节以后,人都出去述说他们所曾亲身经历的那个基督的大爱。
After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginian statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson. We know the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. 独立宣言签署之后,弗吉尼亚州政治家约翰佩奇给汤姆斯杰斐逊写道,“我们知道赛场不属于跑得最快的,战场也不属于强大的一方。

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