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Psychologist is expert who studies at psychology.

Psychologist Drew Westen led the study, conducted at Emory University, and the team presented the results at the 2006 annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. 心理学家威斯顿在美国艾茉利大学主持这项研究,其研究小组于2006年「人格与社会心理学会」的年会报告结果。
Psychologist Gordon Gallup, who led the study, said: While many forces lead two people to connect romantically, the kiss - particularly the first one - can be a deal-breaker. 该调查的负责人、心理学家戈登?盖勒普说:“尽管让两人结合的力量有很多,但接吻——尤其是初吻,可能会毁了一份恋情。”
Psychologist Joanna Schaffhausen said, “Mozart was a child prodigy; Beethoven was not. The world still marvels at both of them. 心理学家,乔安娜说,“莫扎特是个小神童,贝多芬不是,但世人仍然对他们两人万分敬仰。
Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge, UK, has suggested that it comes about when the densely connected infant brain does not prune itself rigorously enough as it grows. 英国剑桥大学心理学家西蒙伯龙-科恩已经假使当错综复杂连接婴儿大脑生长发育时没有完全彻底剪除自己通感就产生了。
Psychologist and writer Daniel Goleman, PhD, author of Emotional Intelligence, presents his view on improving school climate and teaching civility and empathy. 今天的青少年活在一个暴力社会,他们要面对上一代没处理过的问题和危险。
Psychologist is expert who studies at psychology. 心理学家是研究心理学的专家。
Psychologist: Nick, when you recollect your childhood, are your recollections pleasing to you? 心理学家:尼克,当你回忆童年,最愉快的记忆是什么?
Psychologists and educationalists have been having a jolly good row about that one ever since. 此后,心理学家和教育学家一直对此争论不休。
Psychologists armed a team of thirty stressed-out people with mallets and hard hats and set them free inside a Madrid hotel. 心理学家们把有心理压力的30人组成一队,让他们戴上安全帽,拿上槌棒,放在马德里的一家旅馆里自由活动。
Psychologists deal with the minds and behavior of people. 心理学家研究人们的心理与行为。
Psychologists define sense of humor from such many perspectives as cognition, motivation, emotion end so on. 心理学家从认知、动机、情绪、情感等不同角度来定义幽默感。

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