In one of the book's more startling sections, the authors detail how American columnists repeated and exaggerated false claims about the extent of Khrushchev's arsenal.
在本书揭示了一段令人震惊的历史,书中详尽叙述了当时的美国专栏作家是如何反复夸大甚至虚构赫鲁晓夫的军事实力。 |
In one of the designs of Hallmark's latest Happy Mother's Day cards, it describes, motheris a woman who made the world a warm and happy place.
贺曼贺卡公司最新出版的“母亲节快乐”系列贺卡中,有一款是这样描绘母亲的:“母亲”就是那个让世界变得温暖和快乐的女人。 |
In one of the largest counterterrorism operations carried out in Australia, more than 400 security agents and police officers supported by helicopters took part in raids in Melbourne and Sydney in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
在澳大利亚最大的反恐行动执行过程中,超过400多名安全人员和警察在直升机的协助下,参与了星期二早些时候在墨尔本和悉尼展开的搜捕行动。 |
In one of the most dramatically successful economic reforms of the past quarter century in China, most is now privately owned.
经过四分之一世纪极为成功的经济改革之后,大部分住房已括入私人囊中。 |
In one of the photos the nude stood upright and gave a military-like salute to their national flag.
在一张照片中,一名赤裸者立正并向国旗行了一个军礼。 |
In one of the photos, the nudes stood upright and gave a military-like salute to their national flag.
在其中的一张照片中可以看到,那些裸体者笔直的站着给国旗行军礼。 |
In one of the world's largest research and development centers of its kind, in Leoben, Austria, refractory concepts and solutions are constantly being improved.
在世界上最大的耐火材料研发中心之一一奥地利里欧本,耐火材料的概念和解决方案得以持续地改善。 |
In one of the world's smaller countries, mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year.
在世界上某个较小的国家里,安乐死被医疗机构普遍接受,每年都有数千例公开实施。 |
In one of their studies, participants watched a program and then filled out a score sheet.
在其中一个研究里,实验对象先观赏电视节目,然后打分数。 |
In one of those columns, I wrote about the upper-middle class possibly taking a beating by what stock traders call a short squeeze.
在其中一篇专栏中,我曾提到,中上阶层很可能会因为股市轧空而惨遭损失。 |
In one or two generations, the US may find that China leads the world economy, and historians then will trace the pattern of causation to actions taken and not taken now, in the first decade of the 21 century.
在未来一两代人的时间内,美国将可能发现中国在领导着世界经济;那时的历史学家们将会探寻这一模式,(检讨)我们(美国)在今天,在21世纪的第一个十年,采取或没有采取行动的原因。 |