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More recently, a challenger to the 6.8 mm has emerged in the form of the 6.5 mm Grendel from Alexander Arms. 就在最近,来自亚力山大武器公司的格伦德尔6.5毫米弹药筒成了6.8毫米弹药筒的新挑战者。
More recently, it helped to block Mr Bush's plan to reform Social Security by allowing people to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into private accounts. 最近,该组织还出手阻碍了布什先生改革社会保险的计划,该计划试图允许人们将一部分社会保险税负转入私人帐户。
More recently, other companies have highlighted innovation and learning objectives. 最近,还有一些公司已经集中于创新和学习目标。
More recently, that same area figured prominently in a related study published in Nature Neuroscience by Vinod Goel and Raymond Dolan. 最近,文诺德·高尔和雷蒙·多兰在其发表在《自然》杂志“神经科学版”上的相关论文中,更进一步突出了这个区域的功能。
More recently, the Catholic religious order built a church to commemorate the vision of the shepherds. 更近时,天主教曾下令修建一座教堂,用以纪念牧羊人见到的幻象。
More relevant terms will be banked to this data-base in order to facilitate our I Ching lovers to look up. 此栏的术语和词汇将陆续增储,方便易学爱好者查看。
More research in this area is needed and is under way. 在这方面需要更多的研究,并正在进行.
More research needs to be done about proving the Media Multiplier Effect, or Lift from integrated multiple media in a campaign during a several day or weeklong period. 在几天或一周时间里,你需要做更多调查来证明整合多种媒体所能产生的乘法效应或“提升”作用。
More resources (including translation services, interpretation fees, printing costs and venues and related facilities) should be made available to ethnic minority concern groups, local NGOs, grassroots communities and schools for the publicity of the raci 政府应投放更多资源(包括︰翻译服务、翻译费用、印刷费、场地,及相关设施)给本地关注少数族裔团体、民间团体、基层群体及学校,以推广《立法禁止种族歧视谘询文件》的谘询工作。
More romance and surprises, you name it, we make it! 想为您的爱人制造更多惊喜,让我们为您一一做到。
More safety: Transmitting about 2km distance, as much as 100-floor high, the only anti-theft lock can prevent towing vehicle. 更安全:传讯距离二公里左右、楼层高达百楼,是唯一可以防止拖吊车的汽车防盗锁。

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