Nevertheless, the civilian work force increased by almost 20% during the war.
在劳动力需求迅速增加的同时,超过15万青年男女加入军队。 |
Nevertheless, the component of the index measuring plans to buy homes over the next six months climbed slightly, to 3.9 from 3.8.
但是,该指数中衡量未来6个月购房计划的成分指标从3.8微幅攀升至3.9。 |
Nevertheless, the country lacks significant consumer advocates to blow the whistle; it does not have trade associations that police their members according to world standards; and its investigative media is not free enough to take on the government.
然而,中国缺少举足轻重的消费者维权人士发出警告;中国没有按照国际标准管理其成员的贸易协会;中国的调查性媒体还没有足够的自由来监督政府。 |
Nevertheless, the findings persuaded the National Cancer Institute to launch the national 5-a-Day Program in 1991 to take advantage of the apparent effect, encouraging people to eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
不过这些展现出蔬果成效的研究,还是促使美国国家癌症研究院在1991年发起「一日五色蔬果」计画,鼓励全民每天至少吃5~9种不同的蔬果。 |
Nevertheless, the firm maintains independence, integrity, and loyalty in respect of its clients.
当然,邦信阳律师也同时保持着其独立性、诚信和对客户的忠实。 |
Nevertheless, the first breakthrough is here.
然而,如今这个技术首度有了突破。 |
Nevertheless, the food companies argue that the traffic-light system is too simplistic and likely to scare people away from certain products that are fine if consumed in moderation, or in conjunction with plenty of exercise—which most observers, including
然而,食品公司辩称,“红绿灯”方法过于简单,某些产品会因此吓跑消费者,而这些产品如果食用适量或者结合充分锻炼,对人都是十分有益的,而且包括医学专家在内的大多数观察人士都认为,这些食品对于任何想要保持好体形的人而言都至关重要。 |
Nevertheless, the lessons of these first settlements proved useful in later ventures, and colonization continued with only intermittent lapses throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.
不过,最初的拓居地留下的教训使后来的冒险者受益匪浅,因此,17、18世纪,除个别时候,殖民活动贯彻始终。 |
Nevertheless, the link between the fields lingers on in the name of one of the Royal Society's journals, Philosophical Transactions.
然而,这两门学科的联系仍然存在于皇家协会一本期刊里,《哲学学报》。 |
Nevertheless, the local political ecology shows that local fraction, financial syndicates and mafia have dominated the local political and economic resources.
然而,目前地方政治生态所呈现的景象是,地方派系、财团及黑道宰制地方的政经资源,尤其派系生态复杂与选风败坏,严重影响民主政治的发展。 |
Nevertheless, the main objective in producing chemicals from petroleum is the formation of a variety of well-defined chemical compounds that are the basis of the petrochemical industry.
不过,从石油生产化学制品的主要目的在于,生产出大量具有明确界定的化合物,以奠定石化工业的基础。 |