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It is a folk style savory food adored by all three ethnic groups.

It is a feeling of a bird rushing out of the cage. 当我做一些户外运动的时候,我感觉到精力充沛。
It is a film with Chaplin as the main attraction. 这是一部以卓别林为主要吸引力的电影。
It is a final everyone wants to be involved in. That is why I try my hardest to be involved. “这是每个人都想参与的一个决赛。所以我也尽全力想去参与。”
It is a fitting evening for a dance. 这是个适合于跳舞的夜晚。
It is a flimsy cardboard box. 那是一个不结实的纸箱。
It is a folk style savory food adored by all three ethnic groups. 三大民族都喜爱的特色民间小吃。
It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. 【谚】蠢羊才向狼忏悔。
It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. 笨羊才向狼忏悔。
It is a form of body modification which also includes tattooing, branding, foot binding, tongue splitting, plastic surgery and body building. 它是一种身体改造形式,同类的还有文身、烙印、缠足、分舌、整形手术和健身。
It is a free game original from SSI.? and now it became a freeware that you can download.? Turn base war game, with very detailed warfare and information.? And good AI.? It also have a map generator, so it can say as endless game. 这是一个由SSI开发,后期转为免费游戏的回合制二战战棋,武器资料详尽,AI良好,而且有一个地图产生器,可以不停的玩也不会闷.
It is a free market-oriented national key university. 东北大学是一所以工为主的多科性国家重点大学。

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