Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
女管家)是单用左手所能打出最长的字. |
Stewarl-Akers, et al. Effect of ganulocyte-macrrophage colonyatimulating factor on lymphokine-activated killer cell induction.Blood, 1993; 10:2671.
张林生,等.脐血造血干/祖细胞集落产率的研究.中华血液学杂志,1996;5:233. |
Stewart Robson expects Arsenal to thrive in the wake of Thierry Henry's departure.
罗布森阐述了自己的观点,为什么阿森纳可以让亨利离开。 |
Stewart and his team put out several issues of the The Whole Earth Catalogue, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue.
斯图尔特和他的团队做了几期《全球目录》,快无疾而终的时候,他们出版了最后一期。 |
Stewart stre ed that at no time had the plane or pa engers been in danger. She did not say how many people had been on board.
不过斯图尔特指出,在此次意外事故的全过程中,无论是飞机还是乘客都没有被置于危险状态之下。但她没有透露当时该架飞机内到底有多少名乘客。 |
Stewart stressed that at no time had the plane or passengers been in danger. She did not say how many people had been on board.
不过斯图尔特指出,在此次意外事故的全过程中,无论是飞机还是乘客都没有被置于危险状态之下。但她没有透露当时该架飞机内到底有多少名乘客。 |
Stewart-Warner High Pressure Series adopt high-efficiency heat exchanger, famous brand Sanyo compressor, accurate electronic expanding valve and 4-way valve, high-security electric components etc, to remain them under well operations.
斯图华纳高静压系列采用高效热交换器、知名品牌三洋压缩机、精确的电子膨胀阀、四通阀以及高安全性的电器元件等,使该机性能无可挑剔。 |
Stewart: Are there cultural differences that come into play?
难道这里面没有文化的差别的因素在吗? |
Stewart: I'm the vice-president of new toy development.
(我是负责新玩具开发的副总裁。) |
Stewed “Yue chicken”is very delicious.
将新鲜越鸡清炖,清香怡口、别具风味。 |
Sth was wrong with my autocycle on my way to school just now.
刚才我的摩托车在路上坏了。 |