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For it did not shut up the doors of the womb that bore me, Nor did it hide trouble from my eyes.

For invention the duration of protection is 15 years. 发明专利的保护期限为15年。
For investments in the kind made before the promulgation of this law the State Council will work out rules to deal with them. 本法施行前,商业银行已向非银行金融机构和企业投资的,由国务院另行规定实施办法。
For ionic materials a net motion of charged ions is possible that produces a current; such is termed ionic conduction. 对于离子型材料来说,带电荷离子的净运动可以产生电流,这被称为离子导电。
For is it really worth it As my life lies at the brink? 难道使我的生命滨临在危险边缘是有价值的吗?
For it befits You, For among all the wise of the nations And in all their kingdoms There is none like You. 敬畏你本是合宜的,因为在列国的智慧人中,并万国之中,没有像你的。
For it did not shut up the doors of the womb that bore me, Nor did it hide trouble from my eyes. 10因它没有把怀我胎的门关闭,也没有将患难向我的眼隐藏。
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper And from the deadly pestilence. 诗91:3他必救你脱离捕鸟人的网罗、和毒害的瘟疫。
For it is a fire that consumeth to destruction, and would root out all mine increase. 12这本是火焚烧,直到毁灭,必拔除我所有的家产。
For it is a fire that devours to Abaddon And would root up all my increase. 12这本是焚烧直到毁灭的火,必连根拔除我所有的出产。
For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. 人心靠着恩典,而不是靠着食物得到坚定,才是好的;因为那些拘守食物的人,从来没有得过益处。
For it is a journey in a vehicle driven by herself, especially traveling through the desolate and uninhabited area of Mongolia and Russia, Liao Jia intended to raise her large-size traveling bag, and placed it on the second pilot seat to pretend a tough o 因为要单车旅行,特别是要穿越蒙古和俄罗斯境内荒无人烟的区域,所以廖佳想把这个大号的旅行包立起来,放到副驾驶的座位上,冒充一位硬汉,以吓退那些路上可能遇到的居心叵测的坏人。

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