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The art director just got one of those giant thirty-inch LCDs and now everyone hates him.

The arson was in retaliation for the killing of their friend. 恶意纵火是为了替被杀害的朋友报仇。
The arson wildfire that killed four firefighters in Southern California has been fully contained. Investigators have questioned two people but they've been released and no arrests have been made. 吞噬了四名消防员的南加州野火已经被完全控制住了。这场野火是纵火所致。调查人员审问了两人,但已将他们释放,并未做出逮捕行动。
The arsort() function sorts an array by the values in reverse order. The values keep their original keys. 函数将数组中的值从后往前(即:倒序)进行分类,并依次输出所有的值。每个值所对应的键保持不变。
The art Chinese Liuli, Chinese food-and-drink culture and Chinese theatrical art meet and interact here at the TMSK Restaurant. TMSK透明思考餐厅,一个融合中国琉璃、中国饮食文化、中国舞台艺术于一身的新中国饮食空间。
The art director also said that the aim is not only to win more prizes, but also to conduct a global tour of commercial performances. 这位艺术总监还说,(重新上演《阿姐鼓》)的目的不仅是为获得更多奖项,更是要进行一次全球商演。
The art director just got one of those giant thirty-inch LCDs and now everyone hates him. 艺术总监刚拿了其中一台大型的三十寸液晶荧幕,现在大家都恨死他了。
The art director of Columbia Frame Inc. shows a frame to a visitor to her booth at the International Housewares Show in Chicago. 哥伦比亚相框公司艺术总监在芝加哥国际居家用品展上,向参观者展示她的摊位。
The art enabling the critic to admire what he can't appreciate, and to appreciate what he doesn't like. 使批评家赞叹他不欣赏的东西,欣赏他不喜欢的东西的一种艺术。
The art gallery is now showing an impressive collection of oil paintings. 这家艺廊目前展出一系列相当令人印象深刻的油画。
The art is, to fill the day with petty business, to have always something in hand which may raise curiosity, but not solicitude, and keep the mind in a state of action, but not of labor. 其办法就是一天到晚忙于琐事,手边总有事或许会激发起好奇心,却不会让他们牵肠挂肚;大脑总是动个不停,却不会让他们劳神伤思。
The art mainly lies in revealing aesthetic and finding great pleasure in such a process. 艺术主要是对美的揭示,并在对美的揭示中得到快感。

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