But I did not like Spanish bread, not only tasted flavourless, but also not as various as Austrian ones.
但是我不喜欢西班牙的面包,不仅吃起来无味,而且没有奥地利的品种多样。 |
But I did not react so harshly, for I had learned that plagiarism is treated less strictly in China than in the US.
但我对此的反应并没有那么严厉,因为我知道中国对剽窃不像美国那么严厉。 |
But I did, and my throat tightened.
但是我能明白,我的喉咙发紧了。 |
But I didn't choose to study again for entrance examination,and I just according to my marks to apply for the technological academy.
但是我没有选择复读,只是按照自己的成绩报了一所专科院校. |
But I didn't cry… until I quickly rushed back to Prof Ken's clinic and saw mom.
但是当时我没有哭,只是用最快的速度赶回曾医生的诊所去看妈妈。 |
But I didn't feel intimidated by students who spoke faster than I did because I took all the time I needed to think out my ideas and wrote a reply before posting it on the screen.
但我从未因别的同学英语说得比我快而感到畏惧,因为在屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根据自己的需要花时间去琢磨自己的想法。 |
But I didn't purposely leek out the secret that she was having fever.
不过,我不是刻意踢爆阿梅当晚发烧,而是监制想我在台上道出,希望更多观众支持梅姐,为梅姐打气。 |
But I distinctly remember you promising to phone me!
可我记得清清楚楚你是答应了要给我打电话! |
But I do hope this cry will echo across Cyberspace, changing and growing and self-replicating, until it becomes a great shout equal to the idiocy they have just inflicted upon us.
我希望这次的呐喊能够迴盪于网络空间之中,不断的变形、成长或自我复制,直到它变成一股强大怒吼声,以其人之道还至其人之身,回覆这些白痴们强加于我们的伤害,! |
But I do know just enough about him to wonder whether he could go down in history as one of the most influential figures of the 20th century not so much for the detailed content of his impenetrable but for his role in precipitating the death of certainty.
但我的确对他有足够的了解,所以想知道,他会不会作为20世纪最有影响力的人物之一而名垂青史,原因倒不是他令人费解的学说的具体内容,而是他在促成“确定性”死亡的过程中所扮演的角色。 |
But I do like the country…I would love getting up early… I'd often be out having a good brisk walk.
我确实喜爱农村……我爱早起床……我常常出去轻快地散散步。 |