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It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that Ginseng essential oil can relieve xerosis cutis, improve cutaneous circulation and promote metabolism.

It is recommended to make marks on the yolks and the cardan shafts so that you can assemble them correctly. 当安装万向传动装置时建议在万向节叉和传动轴上做明显的记号,以便能够正确地安装。
It is recommended to reserve Korean Pine and broadleaved tree species for current mixed Larch-Spruce-Fir stands to develop towards deciduous Korean Pine forest. 从枯损和进界看,如果能对红松和阔叶树进行保护,这种林分很可能逐渐演化为阔叶红松林。
It is recommended to use this product with Relaxing and Intoxicating Bath Oil first to get best effect. 建议在使用本品之前,使用舒缓沉醉沐浴油,效果最佳。
It is recommended to use this product with Relaxing and Intoxicating Massage Oil to get best effect. 建议在使用本品之后,使用舒缓沉醉按摩油,效果最佳。
It is recorded by Compendium of Materia Medica that Ginseng and Peppermint can refresh oneself, relieve tension and activate collaterals. 『本草纲目』记载:人参、薄荷有提神醒脑、舒缓压力、舒筋活络作用。
It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that Ginseng essential oil can relieve xerosis cutis, improve cutaneous circulation and promote metabolism. 《精油全书》中记载人参精油有缓解皮肤干燥,促进皮肤血液循环,增进新陈代谢。
It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that Lemon essential oil can refresh oneself and whiten skin. 《精油全书》中记载柠檬精油有提神、醒脑,令人愉悦,使人有活力,对皮肤有美白作用。
It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that lavender essential oil has functions such as relieving xerosis cutis, balancing mood, promoting sleeping, relieving headache and killing insects. 《精油全书》中记载薰衣草精油有缓解皮肤干燥,能够平衡情绪,有助睡眠,可减轻头痛,有驱虫作用。
It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that rose essential oil can regulate internal secretion and relieve tension. Furthermore, it is a love potion. 《精油全书》中记载玫瑰精油有调节女性内分泌,减缓精神压力,催情作用。
It is recorded that the first Fayin (religious minister) of Shampala Kingdom Miaoji Xiangcheng once granted empowerment to 35 million immortals in a Liti (three-dimensional) Mandala, which became a custom and then was passed down ever since. 据记载,香巴拉国第一任法胤妙吉祥称曾对三千五百万仙人,在这一立体坛城中赐予灌顶,而且以后历代法胤都在立体坛城中进行灌顶。
It is recounted of Thomas Carlyle that when him in his pocket what remained of a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyle's. 据说托马斯.卡莱尔有过这么一件事:他听说朋友亨利.泰勒病了,就立刻跑去看他,衣袋里装上了他妻子不舒服时吃剩下的一瓶药。

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