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But biology contradicts this arrogance.

But beware lest somehow this right of yours become a stumbling block to the weak ones. 9只是你们要谨慎,恐怕你们这权利,竟成了那软弱人的绊脚石。
But beware of the skin. 但要注意鸡皮的热量。
But beyond that, the Yankees have larger goals, with World Series title No. 27 first and foremost among them. 但是在这个前提之后,洋基队有更远大的目标,那就是赢得队史上第27座世界大赛冠军。
But biofuels are carbon-neutral.In other words,the volumn of greenhouse gas they released as it is burning matches that taken up by the plant when it was growing . 因为生物能源是碳平衡的,他们释放的温室气体和他们在生长中吸收的气体是一致的。而化石能源就相反。
But biological explanations of human behaviour are making a comeback as the generation of academics that feared them as a covert way of justifying eugenics, or of thwarting Marxist utopianism, is retiring. 但是用生物学来解释人类行为的思潮正卷土重来,而那一代害怕这样做会暗中给优生学辩护或者阻挠马克思主义空想的学者已经退休了。
But biology contradicts this arrogance. 但是生物学反驳了这种傲慢的心态。
But biotechnology will also become a game that almost anyone can play—for fun or profit; recklessly or responsibly; for good or ill. 但生物技术也由此可能成为人人皆可参于的游戏,而这些人目的各不相同:为乐趣或为利润,有人冒冒失失有人胸怀责任,有人用心良苦也有人居心叵测。
But birth out of wedlock remains taboo and heavy-handed enforcement of China's one-child policy, including forced abortions, is common in poor rural areas, rights groups have said. 人权团体称,中国政府对于已婚夫妇生育的政策依然非常严格,坚持其一对夫妇只生一个孩子的政策;强制坠胎在贫穷的边远地区依然非常普遍。
But blogger Hossein Derakhshan says there is no reliable online translation program for Persian. 但却没有一个可靠的波斯文网上翻译工具。
But bloggers made sure the story was on the Web. 而报纸既不报道有关案件调查的进展,而电视也没有及时报道。
But blogging is no longer a niche pastime, the preserve of techies and hacks. 但是,写博客日记已不再是一种小范围的消遣活动,不再是技术人员和黑客的保留地了。

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