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Few people know Danish in our school.

Few people gave countenance to some of the greatest inventions or discoveries. 有些最伟大的发明和发现最初是很少有人支持的。
Few people go to extremes by setting themselves on fire in protest. 少数人会走极端去自焚以表抗议.
Few people had, until recently. 至今,很少有人思考过这个问题。
Few people have a problem admitting to manual stimulation by a sexual partner, an act that is considered acceptable sexual behavior. 由性伴侣以手提供刺激被认为是可以接受的性行为,很少有人会惮于承认有过这种举动。
Few people know (except the readers of Harry Potter series) that Voldemort was once a handsome, young, poor but brilliant, parentless, brave, school prefect; the model student at Hogwarts. 很少人知道,(除了哈利波特的读者以外),佛地魔以前叫做汤姆?瑞斗,曾经当选过霍格华兹学生会男主席,是一个既聪明,又帅气的优秀男孩。
Few people know Danish in our school. 在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。
Few people know how to be old. 很少有人知道他们是怎么变老的。
Few people promote pushing in the other direction. 很少人支持相反的观点。
Few people pronounced for his nomination. 很少有人赞成他的提名。
Few people realized the discovery was significant. 很少有人认识到这一发现的重要性。
Few people walked about in this wicked weather. 很少有人在这么恶劣的天气四处走动。

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