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Iran seizes 15 British sailors and marines in the Persian Gulf.

Iran ruptured its diplomatic relations with Iraq. 伊朗断绝了与伊拉克 的外交关系.
Iran said Monday it had tested a new air defense system to counter missiles and aircraft. 伊朗政府宣称于星期一测试了一套用于抗击导弹和飞机的新型防空系统.
Iran says it will not rule out using oil supplies as a weaponif the United States resorts to military action over Iran's controversial nuclear program. 伊朗说,如果美国就伊朗有争议的核计划采取军事行动,伊朗不排除使用石油供应作为“武器”。
Iran says its uranium enrichment is for peaceful purposes, to provide fuel for nuclear power. The United States alleges Iran is using the technology to create a weapons program. 伊朗称其铀浓缩是出于和平目的,为了给核动力提供燃料。美国称伊朗正使用该技术进行核武器项目。
Iran says that uranium enrichment is for peaceful purposes to provide fuel for nuclear power. United States alleges Iran as using the technology to create a weapons program. 伊朗表示,铀浓缩用于给核能反应提供燃料这一和平用途上。而美国则断言,伊朗正使用这一技术研制武器。
Iran seizes 15 British sailors and marines in the Persian Gulf. 伊朗在波斯海湾抓获了15名英国的士兵和海军。
Iran warns that such a referral could complicate matters and prompt Tehran to immediately resume enrichment work. 伊朗警告说,把问题提交给安理会可能会使问题复杂化,并促使德黑兰立即恢复浓缩铀的活动。
Iran's Islamic revolutionaries and Russia's Vladimir Putin have both bet in different ways that a bruised Uncle Sam will not be able to constrain them. 伊朗伊斯兰主义者和俄罗斯的普京,尽管所用方式不同,但都认为一个受伤的山姆大叔没有能力再限制他们。
Iran's OPEC (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) representative, Hossein Kazempour Ardebili, says Iran will not put aside its instrument of oil when the U.S. says it will not rule out military action. 伊朗驻石油输出国组织代表侯赛因·卡赞普尔·阿德比利说,当美国表示不排除采取军事行动的情况下,伊朗不会放弃使用石油作为手段。
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has refused to su end enrichment activities before new talks. 伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德拒绝在新的会谈前中止浓缩铀项目。
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has refused to suspend enrichment activities before new talks. 伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德拒绝在新的会谈前中止浓缩铀项目。

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