Due to the time zone difference, Ju Bi-Sheng cannot yet be reached for comments of his own appointment.
由于时差的关系,聚必胜尚未被联系到并对他的任命做出评论。 |
Due to the toxin's pharmacological effect of inhibiting acetylcholine release from presynaptic neuromuscular junctions, botulinum A toxin has been used for the treatment of spastic urethral sphincter as well as detrusor overactivity associated with both n
基于它在药理学上可以抑制神经肌肉接合前之乙醯胆硷之释放,肉毒杆菌毒素也被应用于神经性因或非神经性因之尿道外括约肌痉挛及逼尿肌活性过强。 |
Due to the tragic character caused by the specific times, Haizi didn't believe in human destiny in real life thus he had lots of portraits of death in his articles to express his disagreement towards this secular and materialistic world and finally result
由于时代造成的悲剧性格,海于认为在现实世界中难以找到归宿,在诗歌中大量描写死亡意象,抒发对世俗世界和物质生命的排斥感,并且最终选择了献祭的道路。 |
Due to the unique construction of MiE-Nature turf, it feels like real grass. You will not believe your own eyes .
由于采用特殊草丝结构,所以您很难相信,在您眼前的是德国保湿中空草坪,而不是天然草坪。 |
Due to the variety of different life styles, concepts of rights, culture and religion held by different people, it is hard for social workers to make decisions that can balance between ethics and the different interests of various social groups in the pra
在实际工作中,由于人们在生活方式、权利观念、文化、宗教观念等方面存在价值冲突,社会工作者很难根据社会工作的伦理守则做出既符合社会伦理又符合各方利益的选择。 |
Due to the various expressing forms, there exist ambiguity in Putonghua while there is no in dialects in south Yunnan.
由于表达形式的多样性,有些普通话有歧义句子在滇南方言里没有歧义。 |
Due to the very complex geological condition on the right bank of Long-tan hydropower station, the side slope has been treated with anchored-tunnel in order to get its stability.
摘要龙滩水电站右岸岸坡地质条件异常复杂,采用锚固洞塞的加固方案对边坡稳定进行治理。 |
Due to the weakly-coupled property, it is easy to use software to compensate precision.
由于该机型具有弱耦合特性,使得用软件补偿精度的方法变得方便可行。 |
Due to the years of standing contributions to human resource development, international exchange of talents, working abroad, etc, we have been successively given the honor of “Advanced Enterprise” by Qingdao Foreign Economic Trade System and Qingdao Gover
华龙国际公司由于多年来在人力资源开发、国际人才交流、境外就业等方面的突出贡献,曾先后被评为青岛市外经系统“先进单位”,青岛市人民政府“经协办”评为“先进单位”。 |
Due to their high aspect ratios and small tip radii of curvature, carbon nanotubes possess marvelous electron field emission properties, viz. low turn-on voltage (E0) and large emission current density (Je), and have good potential for using as materials
由于奈米碳管具有极高的纵横比与极小的尖端曲率半径,因此奈米碳管有著超乎常态的电子场发射特性,低的场发射起始电压与大的场发射电流密度,使其为电子场发射平面显示器的良好材料。 |
Due to their high cost, limited range, and limited utility, they are rarely used in modern loudspeaker equipment, and are instead considered a novelty, perhaps with desirable aesthetic characteristics.
由于价格高,频率范围有限,用途较窄,在现代的扬声器系统中很少使用,往往被当作一种新奇的有审美价值的玩意儿。 |